Another Party?

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Chapter 7

Neither of them look at me. Ray's looking at the ground and rubbing the back of his neck while Mel tries to cover up her red face from me with her hands.

"Put a sock on the door next time," I request before walking off towards my room. I close the door behind me and throw my bag on the bed. I've walked in on Ray doing that before, hell I've lived with the guy for four years, but this time bothered me and I don't know why.

The image of his one hand running through her hair and the other pulling at her red blouse was enough to make me sick. Then I remembered her hands on his chest and lips connected to his and that actually made me sick.

I shake my head in an attempt to push the thoughts out of my mind. I spray on some cologne then head out the door. Ray and Mel were sitting on opposite sides of the couch now, still avoiding eye contact.

"You guys need a ride to Alec's?" I ask, standing in front of them with my hands in the front pockets of my jeans. Judging by their confused looks, I guess they haven't checked their phone in the past ten minutes.

"Check your phones," I say as they both grab their phones off the coffee table in front of the couch.

"Pizza and chocolate milk?" Ray confusedly asks.

"I'm in," Mel replies as she jumps off the couch and heads towards the door.

Ray and I exchange a look and shrug before following her out the door.


I slide in the passenger seat and Jared gives me a confused look as the other two get in the back seat.

"I found them on the couch," I say as I close the door.

Jared looks at the two through the rearview mirror and flashes them a look of disgust, earning an eye roll from Ray. I feel the car move as Jared pulls out of the lot.

"Did they at least put a sock on the door?" Jared asks, earning a slap on the shoulder from a once again red faced Mel.

"Ow!" Jared says, "At least take your ring off, that definitely bruised."

She crossed her arms and looked out the window. "Wuss," she muttered, earning a chuckle from me and Ray.

"Don't make me turn this car around," Jared jokingly threatens before turning into the lot to his and Alec's place.

Unlike Jade and Mel's place, they live in a row home. The outer walls were all brick and each house had plain white shutters and black front doors with stairs leading up to them. Saying it was nice is an understatement.

We follow him up the stairs and he unlocks the door, gesturing for us to come in. The floors were a shiny hardwood and go well with the olive green walls and white trim. On the right there's a staircase that leads upstairs and on the left is a small living room. There's a small hallway in front of us that leads to the kitchen.

Jared gestures us into the kitchen. Jade's sitting on a stool at the counter and Alec's grabbing a beer from the fridge. Mel runs over and shoves Alec out of the way before grabbing the carton of chocolate milk and frantically grabbing a glass.

"Well hello to you too," Alec teases before looking up at us and smiling.

"Hey guys, welcome to our humble abode."

Jade rolls her eyes at him, "There is nothing humble about this place. It's like a mansion compared to my place."

She said what we were all thinking. From the granite countertops to the actual dining table, this was not humble for a college senior.

"How can you guys afford this place?" Ray asks as he scans over the room in awe.

"My parents own this place. My older sisters went to the University of New Hampshire as well so they bought this for us to live in," Jared says, scratching his neck.

"He tried to get us all to live here but us girls wanted our own space," Mel says as she sits on the counter with her drink in hand.

"His parents are loaded," Alec blurts out and his bandmates look at him. I can see Jared tense up. "Sorry," he mumbles. I decide to let it go, it's clearly a touchy subject.

Jade gestures me to the stool next to her. I take the seat and she passes me a can of soda. "I know you don't drink so I made sure the boys had non-alcoholic drinks," she says.

I give her a look of gratitude before popping the can open. Everyone had a can of Miller Lite in their hand except me and Mel.

"So I was told there'd be pizza," Ray says.

"Patience young grasshopper," Alec replies.

"He means it's on the way," Jade annoyedly states. "God, sometimes I wonder how I'm related to you."

"Oh, you two are siblings?" I question. I've suspected this from day one since they both have faint accents and a blonde hair- green eyed combination.

"Twins," she grumbles and Alec drapes his arm over her shoulders.

"Been together since the womb," he teases.

"The eleven minutes I was in this world without you were the greatest minutes of my life," she says as she takes a swig of beer.

He rolls his eyes and is about to say something but is interrupted by a knock on the door.

Ray snaps his neck towards the door, "Food?" he excitedly asks.

Jared nods his head and goes to answer the door. I hear him talk to the pizza delivery person and pay them before closing the door and re-entering the kitchen with four large pizza boxes. Ray practically sprints over the the table and starts opening the boxes.

"Okay, which sick bastard ordered the pineapple pizza," he asks, a look of disgust and betrayal on his face.

Mel walks over to the table and grabs a slice of the pizza then takes a bite of it. "Me," she says with a mouth full of pizza.

Ray looks at her and gasps, placing a hand over his chest. "I am appalled."

"I gotta defend Mel on this one, pineapple on pizza is amazing," I say before taking a sip of my soda.

She swallows her food then gives him a victorious smile. He gives me a disgusted look then proceeds to open up the other pizzas and grabs a piece of pepperoni. "The only topping that belongs on pizza is meat."

"Um excuse me, I'm a vegetarian," Jade says, crossing her arms.

"You're not excused," he says as he takes a bite of this pizza.

We both head over to the table and she grabs a slice of plain and I grab a slice of pineapple. We all sit around the table and eat the night away. 


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