Chapter 3: Dallas

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~Isabel POV~
Demi and I are currently outside Dallas's house
We've been in the car for half an hour outside her house
Apparently demi thinks I'm going to purge so she's making me stay here with her until it's all digested
Talk about trust issues .
She's not wrong though but seriously can she at least act like she trusts me
Apparently not .
But I'll play a long she can't do this forever
I'm not letting her know of my dirty little secrets . Nope not in this life time especially since she's the cause of most of them
"Can we go in now I don't know why you're so paranoid" I said
"I'm taking precautions and yes we can but you're going to stay by my side the whole time no acceptions" she said
"Can you stop acting like my mother you weren't acting like it all those years I don't know why you want to start now Demetria just because you had issues doesn't mean I do as well" I said my voice getting louder by the second
"Well guess what I am your mother so deal with it I came back because I realized my mistake and I want to make it up to you I care about you okay and I don't want you to go through what I went through especially because of me.." Her voice bearly above a whisper at the end her voice was starting to crack
I hated seeing her like this
I know I hate her but even though I don't show it I have a heart and it makes me feel horrible.
Than I remember everything she ever did to me and that strong hatred I have towards her grows and I can't pitty her it becomes impossible to feel bad for her
"Well too bad princess wouldn't want to live with the guilt of making you're daughter fucked up would you? You came back because you felt guilty NOT BECAUSE OF ME YOU DID IT FOR YOU LIKE ALWAYS YOU ONLY THINK OF YOURSELF WELL GUESS WHAT DEMETRIA YOURE A LITTLE TOO LATE YOU ALREADY FUCKED ME UP MENTALLY"
At this point I ran out of the car and straight into Dallas house yea I know where she keeps the key I lived with her remember? I mean I used to live with grandpa and grandma but they kicked me out after maddie made up things about me
5 years ago.
I was sitting in the music room I loved this place no one really came in here only Demetria but she's never home which was great
When she was home I could never come in here I might run into her
When Maddie suddently walked in and started destroying all of the instruments I just stared at her in shock
"maddie stop what are you doing?" I asked kind of scared cause dayum this girl can destroy things
"You'll see" she said with a smirk
Once she finished she looked satisfied
I was so confused
Than Dallas Eddie and Dianna walked in
They looked horrified
"What happened" Dallas finally said as she came towards me and picked me up
"Maddie's came and-" I was cut off my Madison
"No don't blame it on me I was passing by and saw her throwing everything around and destroying everything than I came in the room and she started yelling at me and telling me things that I cannot repeat I don't know how she leaned to say such things"
What the hell this bitch stood me up
"No I didn't-"
I was interrupted by Dianna
"That's enough it's not the first time you do something like this missy you need to learn some manners I'm calling demi and having her deal with you I'm done with you " she said
I started crying and I kept repeating I didn't do it
Dallas stayed by my side the whole time "I know you didn't baby girl you would never" she whispered in my ear
While Dianna called demi
"I talked to demi and she said we should send her away somewhere for a while and we think it's the best choice" she said
I was really scared especially with the "send her away" part
"No MOM YOU CANT SEND HER AWAY " Dallas started to argue
"Don't start Dallas it's for the best" Eddie said
"FINE THAN IM MOVING OUT AND IM TAKING ISABEL WITH ME" Dallas said while giving maddie a glare that could have killed !
~end of flashback~
I ran inside and as soon as I was inside I could hear sobs coming from my room I looked behind me only to see demi a few feet away I quickly ran up the stairs I opened my door to see Dallas laying on my bed she looked so broken.
I quickly closed the door behind me and ran to Dallas she hasn't noticed I'm here i climbed into bed and cuddled into her
She was there physically but not mentally
I can't leave her
I won't leave her ever again
"Dally I came back mommy?"
This brought her back to reality
"Baby girl I missed you s-so much I'm s-sorry"
"Shh mommy it's going to be okay I'm here now I love you so much don't be sorry please it wasn't your fault it was that monsters fault" I said
"D-did she do anything to you?" She said a worried look in her face
"No, she just brought back memories" I said the last part bearly above a whisper
"Baby girl look at me" I did "you didn't Cut right?" She asked
Yea I self-harm I've been clean for two weeks so that's a record
And yes Dallas knows about my eating habits but she didn't find out about those until 9 months ago or so
I mean she's always known I don't eat much and she's always tried making me eat she just didn't find out I would purge afterwards until 9 months ago that she catched me doing it
"I'm done dally" I said
"Alright baby girl"
I quickly ran up the stairs as soon as I got to the nearest bathroom I closed the door and shoved 2 fingers down my throat making everything come out when the door burst open exactly when my fingers where down my throat
I had forgotten to lock the door..
Just my luck.
Dallas soon ran next to me
"Baby please stop stand up please" I did what she told me even though I wasn't quite satisfied with how much I threw up. "You're worth so much more than that baby we're gonna get through this together you and me until the end remember?"
~end of Flashback~
"Baby girl?"
"No mommy I didn't I've been clean for two weeks" I said
"Did you eat?"
"No is didn't eat dinner but in my defense I was to depressed to eat but I did eat breakfast and no I didn't purge demi made sure of it"
"You told her?"
"No why would I? She just has issues and we had an argument she came back because she felt guilty she felt guilt that's why she came back not for me she did it for her"
"Shhh everything is going to be alright I'm fighting for you I got a lawyer and I'm fighting for custody over you and he said it's likely I'll win custody over you"
"Y-you're going to try to take her away from me?" Demi said standing by the door I wonder how much of that she heard
I cuddled into Dallas even more if that was even possible well I made it possible "Isabel let's go we're leaving"
Dallas quickly reacted and pulled me even closer I missed her so much
"No Demi you will not take her again don't you see you're hurting her?"
"Dallas stop she's MY daughter NOT yours and you're MY sister Dallas please I just want to fix things between my daughter and I"
"Yes Demi I'm your sister and I love you but you've hurt Isabel so much she's my world demi and she's broken she might not be my daughter by blood but I've been more of a mother to her than you've ever been"
"Demetria can you please just leave me with Dally please" I said
"Okay first of all don't call me Demetria and second of all I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused you I really want to fix everything with you believe it or not I really care about you and I love you so much"
I was getting really mad how dare she come into my life like that? And think she has all these rights

A/N: I'm sorry I haven't updated I've been trying to work on myself and it's been okay but sometimes it's too much and I just break .
Their are times where I wish I could follow my own advise and stay strong but I can't
I've been going through a lot.
I'm changing myself... It's just so hard trying to please everyone and being what everyone else wants you to be .
I rarely tell anyone what I'm going through or what I feel because i'd rather keep it all in and I know I'm hurting myself by keeping it all in but it's easier than hurting other people.
I just want to say thank you to EVEYONE that's reading this story and thanks for voting and commenting you guys are awesome!
And I really really mean it when I say I'm here if you guys need To talk to someone about ANYTHING because I know what it feels like to keep everything to yourself and sometimes all you need is to tell someone .
So if you need someone I'll be here

Anyway back to the story if you have any ideas comment
Who should win custody? Demi or Dallas?
On a positive note Dallas noticed me today on twitter 😱❤️
I'll try to update as much as I can promise 😊

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