Chapter 4

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It's been 3 days and I haven't seen Daimen. Normally I wouldn't have cared - hell I shouldn't care. But I do and I'm not sure if I like it.

I decide to go to the park, needing to go somewhere but not having anywhere else to go. Yes I'm terrified of the group finding me again but I needed fresh air badly. My clothes were starting to smell like alcohol from staying in the house for so long and I'm ready to puke from it. So as soon as I get my chance I leave.

By the time I get to the tree I normally sit under, it's so dark that I know I won't be able to draw. I rest my back against the back of the big maple tree and close my eyes, just listening to the quiet night around me. I wince when my arm bumps into the tree and before I know it more memories are taking over my vision.

I walk in the house and see Dad watching the hockey game. But instead of cheering he's chugging beer back, bottles at a time. I feel my body tense and brace myself for what's next.

"Hi Daddy." I stand beside his chair and clean up the empty bottles. "What would you like to eat Daddy? Do you want more beer?"

He stays quiet, so I rush to the kitchen and bring him another case of beer setting it beside the chair.

"Daddy would you like food?" I trey my hardest not to sound scared as I know he'll only get pissed off even more if he hears it.

He mumbles what he wants and I work as fast as I can to make him his favourite dish with all the works. Once it's done I bring it to him along with utensils, and set it all on the table beside him. As I lean over to take the empty bottle and give him a new one, his other hand turns into a fist. I stop moving knowing that if I did…

"You. Little. SLUT!" His voice scares me causing me to jump back. I stand straight and wait for him to move silently begging for me to get a free night.

"Who is he?" His face is right in mine and I'm having trouble controlling my shaking body in fear of how bad I'm going to get it tonight.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about D-Daddy." He takes a hold on my neck, stopping all air flow. My body jerks from the sudden lack of air.

"Who's the man you're fucking around with Slut?" He spits in my face and drops me to the floor before stepping on my arm, I yelp and close my eyes tight from the pain shooting up my left arm.

"I-I-I'm not-" He steps harder on my arm, and I can feel how close he is to breaking the bone. Again.

"It's okay. Don't tell me. Fuck the man all you want you little whore. Just know that you aren't ever going to leave this place so there is no future for you." He stomps off to the kitchen grabbing a second case of beer and demanding for me to start cleaning.

I do as he does only to have him punch my face once later on for not bringing him more food.

"Can't you do anything Slut."

I open my eyes with a slight gasp and remember I'm at the park. My ribs aren't hurting as much when I breath but I know they'll still take a long time to heal.

I hear noise coming from across the park and hide behind the tree for protection. I look around and see just the dark outline of someone going towards the playground. There aren't any lights in this park- then again it's not surprising on the Eastside to not have something as simple as that. I watch as the dark figure sits on one of the swings and just stays there looking at the ground.

After they pull out a pair of red headphones I recognize, then I realize who it is. Knowing he doesn't see me, I sneak up behind him making sure to use my ninja skills to be as quiet as possible. You kind of need ninja skills to survive my life.

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