my five strengths

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I mourn with those who mourn
rejoice with those who rejoice
I can relate to you on a deeper level
give your pain a voice
because I've been there
not pity, but understanding
not condoning, but compassion
to see with your eyes, to hear with your ears, to walk in your shoes
I am moved to tears
because I've been there
my feet are planted, some things never change
on the mountains and in the valleys
some things stay the same
I've come to the conclusion
truth is offensive and exclusive
to live without guilt
to die without fear
is my objective
for the Word I will live
for the Word I will die
I'll give it all up
my treasure is in the sky
some things never change
contemplation, meditation
my mind likes to be occupied
I'm most at home when I'm alone
daydreaming and at peace
my mind never sleeps
intelligent discussions,
debates on different views
in solitude
vivid imagination
divine inspiration
my mind never sleeps
committed, no excuses
my conscience holds me accountable
emotionally attached
there's no turning back
my standard is the Messiah
I desire a good name in life
driven by my objective
somewhat obsessive
I want to be dependable
no apologies, my reputation at stake
there's no turning back
life is a journey
longing to travel, to see, to touch, to hear
it's all about experience
gathering poetry, photographs, and quotations
held captivated by nature
variety is intriguing
diversity is imploring
always the same is boring
and it bores me
the curiosity of a child
makes all things new
ask, and you shall receive
seek, and you shall find
it's all about experience...

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