Chapter 3- Ice Blue Eyes

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Harry's POV

I just made eye contact will a gorgeous brown haired girl.  Her ice blue eyes were addictiong and caused me to stare.  Before I could say a word she ran right passed the interview and ran into a bedroom.  

"So, boys. I know that Louis, Liam, and Zayn, all of you have girlfriends, but what about you two?" The interviewer from some teen pop magazine, Ali, said while gesturing to Niall and I.

I could hear Niall begin to reply but all I could think about was that beautiful girl.  

"Wait, Ali, who was that girl?"

"Oh that was my best friend, Jess. Sorry that she didn't greet you boys, she's a little uh anti social." Ali replied in her bubbly, slightly high pitched voice.  

"Ok." was all that I could manage to reply.  

The entire interview I could not get this girl out of my mind.  I wish she would come out of that room!!

Jess's POV

I wish that interview would end. I am so hungry.  

I could no longer bare it.  I worked up thre courage to exit my bedroom and go into the kitchen for a snack.

As I was walking briskly passed the interview I caught eye contact again with that curly haied boy.  I tried to remember his name from all of those magazine cover that are strewn around the apartment that I share with Ali. 

I almost reached the kitchen when Ali's voice snapped me out of my thoughts, "hey Jess, these are the boys of One Direction.  This is Liam, Zayn, Niall, Louis, and Harry," Jess said pointing towards each of the five boys, "and this is my best friend, Jess."

Harry!! That was his name! We made eye contact once again...he was kind of cute.  What am I saying!? 

The boys greeted me in unison. 

"Hi.  Nice to meet you all." I said with my head down staring at the ground.

Again they responded in unison.  That's kinda cute I guess. no.  No it's not. I just smiled and walked into the kitchen.

Harry's POV

Yes! she finally came out of that room. 

She just walked into the kitchen.  I got up from my chair mid interview and walked into the kitchen after Jess.  



like the cliffhanger? haha

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