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     The flowers seem to be more white today than from what they usually are, don't you agree Daniel? I can see it, they seem to resemble the color of the clouds in the sky today.  And if you look closer, there seems to be a blue bud inside, do you see them Crystal? Oh yes, I see them. They resemble the layout of the sky. Where the white covers the blue, and if we are lucky the white flowers may open up and spin for us. It's a marvelous sight mother nature has produced. Where did you know of their ability to open up Crystal? I love browsing the internet from time to time, and I look up images of these flowers, they call them SkyFlowers. In some places of the world, there would be huge beautiful blankets of flowers that many photographers shoot the best perspective shots of all these flowers. I really do hope you would see them one day Daniel, I could just show you the photos, but there is nothing close to the magical feeling of running through all of them and if you do it the first time, it feels like your mind opens up to a whole new world of it.

 Are you not afraid you will step on them Crystal? The first time I was told to run through them at 6 years old, I was very much afraid. You see, I had a whole family of them at that point, and I remember even from 3 years old taking care of a whole family. Even if I do have to admit, there was not very much of them. There was only a dad, step mom, brother, two sisters and one of the sisters had a boyfriend. It resembles my family if you think about it, a family of perfection, where everything in the bunch was perfect, and their lives were perfect, and when I was 3 years old, I never had the thought of stepping on them. That would seem cruel, and only those who are cruel would step on them, my 3 year old self thought. So being 6 years and remembering my step mom taking me to see a huge blanket of SkyFlowers was the best feeling ever, it was a scary and calming feeling. It was scary because my step mom would tell me its alright to step on the flowers, and that they would be unharmed by us. But I did not listen to her, I was grabbing on her arm as hard as I can trying to tell her not to hurt the huge family in front of us. Being 6 years old though, I was very weak to her power, and in an instant, her foot came crashing down on the flowers, I was weak, stunned, eyes closed crying for what it seems like forever, but it was only 30 minutes, and how a family so perfect could be destroyed. But eventually, like all of life's unhappy moments, they pass and I got over it, I would of course never forgive my mom for such a moment, but that was before I opened my eyes. My eyes started to open slowly, and the place I saw her step was perfect, there no marks of a shoe or any damage to the grass underneath. And she picked me up and said "Are you ready for another?" And before I can even process the question in my young mind, her feet up, and they went high, and she slammed her feet on the floor, if the floor was the top floor of a 50th floor building, those below will hear the same sound just as I heard it. On all the flowers her feet went, I flinched, scared to see the outcome of what a hard stomp could do to young plants like them. As I started to calm down, my eyes saw, once again the flowers were unharmed, not even a bent or mark, and once again, the flowers were as I saw them for the first time, dancing with the wind. The evil lady holding me once again said "See, no damage." I still was not convinced, and using her powers of being able to read my mind, she took off in the field of flowers and started running, and she ran fast. I was shocked, this lady was evil, stepping on the flowers that past by, seeing them crushed one by one, I called out to them "Flowelys, protect yourself, I am sorry, so sorry for the mean lady!"  But it seems my step mom was rather offended by that comment, she asked "do you really think I am evil" I replied with "no", but even inside me there was this uneasy feeling of not be able to trust her. And once again, she saw through me and knew that I was lying by the expression on her face, sort of questioning what I said, as if I was a genius who just solved world hunger but had no proof on how I did it. So we looked back to the flowers again, and there they were, just dancing with the wind, I went on my knees to speak to the flowers and asked them if they were ok, I wanted to pet every single one of them, but I knew that If I wanted to do that, I would of had to walk into the middle of the blankets of flowers, crushing every one of them, and the amount of pain I knew I would of caused them, I would pet it, only just to step on it. But my step mom knew, even by the way I was carefully trying to stretch over and pet some of the flowers in the 3rd row, I was shaking, and she grabbed me in an instant and carefully placed me on the batch of flowers, but the pick up, and put down felt like the hardest slam of my life. The pain rushed through me, and my eyes went black, and before I knew it, I cried and after slammed hard on the ground, my arms and legs flailing against all the flowers and I shouted "I can't see! The whole world has gone dark!" That was when I noticed my legs went up from the ground and I couldn't feel the floor, only the two arms that held me. My mom whispered in my ears and said "Open your eyes" I didn't even understand what she meant, I thought she was crazy thinking my eyes were closed, I was slammed hard on a batch of flowers, I thought I was hurt and the flowers were also hurt, the slam and the damage she did turned me blind. Then she brought out the special attack and said "Alright, guess we will have to do this the hard way by going through the tickle monster" and while I heard her, I ignored her, but noticed she had put me down, feeling the ground on my bottom once again, I got on all fours and tried to crawl away until I couldn't feel the flowers anymore, if only I crawled faster because the arms came down on my back, her soft hands wiggling against my back has made me happier and she then went to my waist, that was when I busted out laughing unable to control myself and my eyes snapped open, my body turned around, and I was on my back with my tummy out, my mom still tickling me while I was trying to beg her "Stop,stop,stop!" my hands trying to push her arms away and I turned my head not noticing I was not off the flowers yet, and I saw how the flowers protected themselves. My mom seeing my head turned to the flowers noticed this and stopped tickling me, she simply said "do you now understand what I was trying to show you?" I nodded no. Laughing, she said "When the sky flowers feel more pressure then they are able to handle, they curl up, similar to a cat or a dog getting ready for sleep, but they curl downwards" I saw it with my own eyes, I jumped off the blanket of flowers and saw the flowers I stepped on slowly rise back up to their original state before I stepped on it. I still noticed the flowers had a bit of dirt on them and I said "Mom! They are still dirty from my shoes" My mom slowly following behind me, still walking on the flowers said "The wind will eventually blow off all the dirt from the flowers and it will be good as new" and she said it all with a smile and I felt a little at ease. I still had a big question on my mind and I asked "how does this all happen!?" My mom came closer, picked me up, looked at me for a short time and said "It's all Mother Nature, so make sure you say thank you to her before you go to sleep."

     That's a really cool story Crystal, I guess it took a scary moment to help you break your fears. Yea, it did Daniel, although I don't really recommended it, but it was nice my mother helped me break my comfort zone, sometimes we as humans just need a little push in the right direction and I am glad my step mom did exactly that for me. Ready to go home Daniel? I sure am, and you know what, after hearing that story, we should take the shortcut through the field of flowers, I heard the trip is shorter by 1 hour! On second thought, Daniel, I feel we should take the long way, let's leave the flowers alone. What!? You just told me that long story about how your fears of the flowers are over and how they don't get hurt from stepping on them. It doesn't mean their feelings won't be hurt after we do. Ugh... fine, let's take the long way. 

     Yes, Love you Daniel. Love you too, Crystal.

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