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Waking up the next morning feeling just as great as last night Brielle started her day. As she was preparing breakfast she checked her phone a few times expecting to see a text or miss call from Kayce. Realizing he haven't reached out yet she left for work.

Work was very hectic and Brielle didn't have much time to check her phone throughout the day. Feeling hungry she decided to head out for lunch.

Brielle checked her phone preparing to tell Kayce why she wasn't responding but to her disbelief she noticed he didn't reach out.

A little worried she decided to text him. "hey you", she said. A few minutes passed and still no response.

It was time to head back to work so she finished her lunch and went back into the office. Feeling more than distracted Brielle decided to take off the rest of the day. Once home she took her work clothes off and showered.

Feeling a bit more relaxed she decided to start on dinner. Checking her phone she noticed Kayce still hadn't reached out and she was feeling anxious. Contemplating whether or not she should call him, her phone buzzed.

"Sup", Kayce replied.

Feeling relieved but realizing this text was 5 hours after the fact she grew excited nevertheless and responded back.

Wanting more of last night and to see him again she decided to tell him how she felt.

Still cooking dinner she waited for him to respond. Figuring he was still at work she ate dinner and watched t.v.

She dozed off while on the chair and woke up yawning searching for the remote to turn off the t.v.

Checking her phone she realized Kayce never texted back. Deciding it was best to give him his space she didn't bother calling or texting him and she went to be feeling hurt and a bit confused.

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