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                     NEW FRIEND'S

set up shop A.K.A my little base camp if you can even call it that. So I've been walking for miles on end 11 that way 12 this way 13 another and no luck and it's been 12 hours and the moon got. . . dimmer like there's only moonlight here i haven't even seen the sun come up in a day or i've been here at least i think it's been a day or night i can't tell.’ok tracker (the dog I found and gave him a name) i'm going out to look for surplus in another area ok?’ And with that i set of North. ‘it's getting kinda cold is IS THAT SNOW. I started back home  ‘there's a house too this is perfect’ so i trudged through the mud and vines, dead trees you name it i went threw it. I packed up what i had (not very much) and i set of for the cabin. 15 miles in I took a break under a tree. The trees limbs started to move with no wind and i realise that it was caging me in its clutches I ran, ran as fast as i could possibly run. there it was the cabin in the woods I basically kicked the door in slamming it behind me ‘you ok tracker’ he barked but a not friendly bark like someone was here. . . So i got my lead pipe out the bottom floor was clean time to head up stars (clean meaning clear)  I went into the bead room clean bathroom clean as it was to last room I slowly opened the door. I saw someone on the floor ‘hello are you hert? Do you need help’ no response so i went in the room like a sloth. . . I checked her pulse. . . . A steady heart beat she's alive. I set up shop here got a magnum and 12 bullets ‘this is the best thing I found in weeks im taking a well deserved nap’ in the morning I went out to git some food by hunting I got a pig and went back to base. I checked to see if the stove still worked AND IT DID!!! BACON AND EGGS!!!! I heard a yan from up stars I started up the stars with the food i opened the door ever carefully reddy for anything. . . . ‘Who are you’ she said  ‘I don't want you to be alarmed but i've been here a little bi-’ she cut me of ‘you didn't answer my question who are you’ ‘sorry hi Im max i made sum food fore us’ I said to her ‘I have Many questions right now’ she said. so I said ‘ask away’ and she said ‘ok um how old are you’ ‘why’ ‘I don't know you said ask away’ ‘fine im 14’ ‘hay you asked the question. im 14 to I ges’ ‘my turn’ I said ‘what's your name’ ‘Rosa’ ‘preddy good name’ ‘thanks. . . YOU HAVE A DOG AAAAAA HEY BABY’ she said screaming ‘let tracker sniff you first’ The dog's tale starts to wag. I was nervous he was going to bite her in the face but he didn't seem to mind “thank god” i thought to myself. Just then something burst thru the front door only words can describe how big this thing was it was searching for us when i saw the thing a knife of fear stabbed through me as its eyes rolled to my direction. The thing had 3 rose of teeth 2 Razer blade sharp and thin barbed horns ‘gun... GUN GIT THE GUN. . . . .

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