Feeling Bad...

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Don't you ever feel bad when you hurt someone. You wish you could just take it all back and hold them in your arms telling them that it's okay. You don't ever want them to let go of you, and you don't want to let of them.

But you... you ruined me. Everything came crashing down when I first laid my eyes on you. You gave up on me even though you promised you would always be there. You lied to my face and didn't feel bad at all. Not even a little regret. You were just cold hearted and treated everyone different except me. Why? Why did you have to ruin me? You could have easily walked away but instead you just wanted to abuse my feelings and make you're self feel better.

I wasn't the same. I will never be the same. My world has been crushed and burned, and you don't feel bad.

You just left me there to completely fall apart and not even try to put me back together... and you don't feel bad....

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2014 ⏰

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