Chapter Two

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Fright begins filling itself inside my veins as I realize that someone yanks me with the eyes, shutting them -- my only window to the outer world and pulls me back, towards himself. The grip on my purse loosens as it falls to the floor.

Damn! It had my cell phone!

I try running but am held way too tightly. I try screaming but voice barely escapes my lips. Filled with terror, it is stuck somewhere on its way out. And too scared to move, I don't know what to do. Is it the same guy from the car? What does he want from me? I thought that was--

I find my lips being sealed shut. With some sort of disgusting tape. Gone is the hope of screaming. Broken it is to bits...

A few minutes later and on a clear and sensible analysis, I find two hands holding me from running and another hand sealing my lips. And I realize how I'm being kidnapped by 'some' two people for Lord knows what reason. Because the reason of capturing me could be anything. And what if--what if it is a gang-rape?

Just the thought of it makes me want to pull myself down the abyss.

I don't know why my thoughts are again and again wandering to rape. But I guess it's all because of what happened a few minutes ago. That light trance that I experienced.

And then, a sudden realization occurs. My hands and legs are free. Well, not exactly free. They are in this other guy's grasp but at least I can still use them. I try to push him -- the guy holding my hands. When that doesn't work I try kicking. After all, kicking the bad guy in the groin has always worked, hasn't it? It has always worked in the books and movies, at least.

But it is all too futile. Either he is way too strong or I am way too weak. His hands don't even budge as much as a whole centimeter from their place. And let's just not talk about his legs. I don't even know where they are! It is as if, a moment ago, I had been trying to kick air!

And now, I'm truly, madly, deeply scared. Because I get it. I'm caught.

Fear continues to grip me with each passing microsecond.

Tonight was made to be horrible. First Mr.-Know-It-All ditched me. Then the game my sub-consciousness played on me. And now, this.

Why, oh why, didn't I consider staying back and hanging out with my friends, enjoying our last day here, together? Why, oh why, didn't I consider borrowing an extra key from the reception?

All sorts of ideas regarding what I should have done are coming to me now. But there is no turning back anymore, is there? Time can't be reversed, and there is no use regretting anymore. What I must figure out right now is how to get over this fear and what to do to escape. But my mind is such a haze.

What are they going to do to me?

Another few minutes later, I realize that I have no clue regarding what is happening. And somewhere deep in my heart, I know I don't want to have one either. And then, as if all of a sudden, I feel my legs hanging in air. What exactly is happening to me?

Oh, how I wish I could actually fly out of this guy's grasp.

But then, I feel something solid beneath me. I've been moved. I've been moved? What am I, a hamburger that has been moved from one place to another?

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