Episode 2: The Rampage of the Dark CPUs

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Last Time, on Hyperdimension Neptunia Saga!

After the intense training with Iris Heart, she decided that she gave him a really great challenge, to defeat an ancient dragon, and then he succeeded, until later, the dark vortex appeared out of nowhere before the Dark CPU arrived to the scene

"Is that.... a Dark CPU...?"

Then Ren rushes to the rampaging scene, right before Iris Heart stopped him, until then, all the other CPUs and Iris Heart came into the battle, but will they be strong enough to defeat them?
Find out in this episode, now!

*The opening song plays before the title shows*

Right before the battle starts, will be a face-off between the CPUs and the Dark CPUs

"The banquet of despair has just begun! Prepare to cower in fear!!" Dark Purple said to the CPUs

"Sorry! We will not lose to the likes of you! Prepare yourself!" Green Heart replied with a strong resolve

"Yeah! We're gonna kick your sorry ass for trying to mess with Gamindustri!!" White Heart shouted as she prepares for the fight

"Alright, it's time to end this once and for all! Hiyaah!!!!" said Purple Heart right before the battle commences with their attack on each Dark CPU

"Cross Combination!!" Purple Heart shouted as she attacks Dark Purple with the slash combo but all Dark Purple feels is nothing but an insect sting as it pushes her to the wall with one hit

"Argh!!" Purple Heart yelled after she gets hit by Dark Purple but she still stands without giving up
"I will never give up!! Not by a long shot!!" Purple Heart shouted as she transforms into her Next Form and then strike Dark Purple with Neptune Break and then Dimension Slicer
"This is for Gamindustri!! Let's see if you can stop this!!" Next Purple said as she goes for a Neptune Break right before Dimension Slicer

"This is your end!!!" Then slashes Dark Purple with Dimension Slicer, leaving Dark Purple in the smokes, but she thought Dark Purple was defeated but it isn't, but only making it become even more angrier

"Is it over...?" Next Purple asked herself right before she saw that it wasn't defeated
"What!?" Next Purple gasped as she saw that it was ineffective against Dark Purple as it roars in an enraged manner

"GRAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Dark Purple roared as it becomes more stronger when angry

"So even that wasn't enough!!??" Next White growled after she attacked Dark White with the Blaster Controller, making also Dark White even more angrier

"Damn!! Even our attacks are useless against them!!" Next Black said after she attacked Dark Black with Diagonal Blade Dance, but was ineffective, which made Dark Black angry

"I have no idea how are our dark copies become that strong!" Next Green pants after attacking Dark Green with Infinite Spear
"Even our attacks won't work against them!" Iris Heart said even if she attacked Dark Green with the Thunder Blade Kick that was alongside with the Infinite Spear

"BEGONE!!!!" all Dark CPU shouted as they deal each of their finishing blow using their signature finishers

"ACCEPT YOUR FATE, CPUS!!!!" Dark Purple shouted before finishing her off with Brilliance of the End"

"Resistance is futile!!" Dark Green shouted before finishing Next Green and Iris Heart off with 9th Heaven: Void's Light

"DIE!!!!!!" Dark White roared as it deals a finishing blow on Next White with War Axe of Destruction

"PATHETIC SCRUBS DESERVES TO DIE!!!!" Dark Black roared as it finished Next Black with Darkness End

"Mother!! Iris Heart!!!" Ren shouted right before Dark Green even looked at him, attempting to strike him with Light of Eternal Grudges after charging

"Wretched pest! YOU SHALL DIE!!!!!!" Dark Green roared before dealing a brutal finishing blow

"MY SON!!!!" Next Green gasped
"DARLING!!!!!" Iris Heart gasped as well before they come to his rescue and blocks its attack with their barrier-like spell
"That stupid little brother!!" Next Black growled as she also dash to his rescue

"What are you doing here, my child? I thought I told you to go back to the Basilicom!!"
"You'll get yourself killed if you show up after the Dark CPUs, and I wouldn't want that!!"
Iris Heart and Next Green scolded him for seeing what happened

"You think that will help you!? DIE!!!!" Dark Green roared before it strikes them down but Next Black grabbed him and flies away before it even hit him

"What the hell are you doing, Ren!? Are you trying to get yourself killed, you stupid little bro!?"
Next Black scolded him

"Forgive me, sis! I just didn't know what happened back then when I saw it..." Ren answered right before she hugged him like how sisters did to their brothers

"Ren....!!! If you hadn't showed up... You wouldn't get killed in the first place...!!!"
Next Black cried right before she gets shot by Dark Black's energy orb

"You're weak to defeat me now!!!" Dark Black taunted after it killed Next Black

"Sis? Mom? Iris Heart??" Ren saw their deaths even he checked their pulse which they didn't have

"Run.... my son...!! Don't worry...about us....!"

After he held Next Green's body in sadness, he cried right before he roared in despair, making Ren feel enraged before he picks up his mother's spear and deals an enraged blow which is the improved yet enraged version of Spiral Break Ultima

"YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS DARK CPU!!!!!!!!" Ren roared in rage but that attack alone is slightly staggering them, making them feel pain, but they may be down but not out as they make their escape

"You may have won this round, but we'll be back to destroy you next time!!!" Dark Purple roars as they escape and flies back up into the dark vortex

"Tch!! They got away huh...?"
Ren faints after he went full force

After a while later, he went to Planeptune in Hyperdimension, seeking help from one of the strongest person, till he encountered Grey in the first battle

"So you must be Grey, the one Neptune was talking about?" Ren asked

"Yep! I am! But I don't know who you are, can you please state your name?" Grey asked

"I am Kiryuu Ren, son of Green Heart!" Ren introduced himself

"Son of Green Heart, huh? Well, then let's see if you got what it takes to become my ally by challenging me to a duel!" Grey convinced Ren as he challenges him to a duel, to test his might

"Of course! Challenge accepted, if that is what it takes to defeat a Dark CPU!"

Ren accepts the duel and challenge as both of them prepares their weapons but the battle doesn't start yet as it concludes the end of this episode

*the ending song plays*

-Next Episode-

After I accepted his challenge, we gave it our all, but even though he nearly defeated me but I wouldn't give up without a fight, but after that, Dark Black arrives as we combine our strength to defeat it

Next time on Hyperdimension Neptunia Saga: The Story of Kiryuu Ren's Past!

Episode 3: The Duel against Grey, But Dark Black Appears!!

Be sure not to miss them!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2018 ⏰

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