moonclan allegiances

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leader-foxstar,ginger tom with a whiteear and tail,bright green eyes

Deputy-starfur-black she cat with white dotted silky fur,golden eyes

medicine cat-featherwhisker,white/silver tabby with blue eyes,apprentice-heartpaw

warriors-toms and she cats without kits.

flowernose,black and ginger tortishell with a pink nose,green eyes.apprentice-nightpaw

amberfeather-ginger tom with silver/blueish eyes , apprentice-thornpaw

skytalon-white she cat with amber eyes,sharp claws. apprentice-bluepaw

brightwish-silver tabby she cat with blue eyes,a long black tail.

emerald eye-grey longedfurred tom,emerald eyes. apprentice-sunpaw.

echofur-white tom with dulled amber eyes,apprentice-moonpaw

brightfall-golden tabby she cat , green eyes. apprentice-palepaw

dusttail-grey tabby with  a dusty grey tail,reddish/amber eyes.

darkfall-grey tabby with a dark black tail,dark green eyes.


nightpaw-black she cat with silver patterns and silver ear,amber eyes.

thornpaw-silver tabby she cat with black ear and green eyes.

bluepaw-white she cat with black patterns,blue eyes

sunpaw-ginger tabby tom,green eyes and scar on left ear.

moonpaw-silver tom,dark blue eyes,scar on right ear.

palepaw-pale brown tom,sharp amber eyes


bluefur-grey she cat with sharp blue eyes,thornpaws mother and expecting a 4 kit litter.

cloudfur-white she cat with green eyes-currently nursing a 4 kit litter.

kits(I know kits aren't mentioned,but some are important to this story.






cloudtail-white tom with blue eyes

longclaw-pale taby with a black tail, green eyes

clawed eye-dark grey tabby with scarred eye,

eaglefur-tortishell she cat with white tail,brown eyes.

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