the gathering Pt 1

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it had been two months since nightpaw had become an apprentice,and finally she was taken to the gathering!  her paws were itching with excitement ,and she was sticking to flowernose like glue.

'finally! were here! nightpaw thought to herself,as she looked around at all the cats from other clans,guessing moonclan was last. "don't give away to much information,try to meet cats and learn their strengths."Flowernose whispered to her ear.Nightpaw nodded and walked off trying to find a cat,soon realising she was one of the youngest her ears lowered ,seeing that her friend thornpaw and her sister bluepaw were already speaking with a sunclan apprentice,who had shining blue eyes and sleek golden fur.Nightpaw walked closer and sat beside Thornpaw,who greeted her with a large smile. She smiled back and turned away .A yowl was heard by her leader,Foxstar.every cat turned their head to listen,as Nightpaw realised it was him calling for the meeting.


Authors note!

sorry for the short chapter,promise next one will be much longer.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2018 ⏰

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