" you drive me mad "

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The overwhelming smell of alcohol and sweat filled the spacious floor of Greta Keene's house. The body heat from the sweat - drenched bodies filled the air, making Stan shudder in disgust as he made his way through the crowded space, trying not to come in physical contact with the drunken teens.

Stan doesn't even know why he agreed to come to his high school party. It was the compete opposite of what he planned on doing ; sketching his bird drawing whilst Richie tells him about his horrendous day at Alcatraz, or better known as Derry High.

That's right, Richie dragged him here with the rest of the club, using his comedic persuasion to drag them here, which didn't take long for the six to agree, other than for Stan.

"No, Richie ! You know how I feel about being in the same room with people I - I don't even know !"

Just the mere thought of being in between people gives him a run for his money

Richie mentally sighed as he stood in front of his best friend flailing his arms around dramatically, making his golden curls bounce in every direction.

Stan's frantic mumbling and movements were put to a stop as Richie held onto the shorter boy's wrists. Stan looks up at him with wide eyes, trying hard to calm down when his best friend looks at him like that - breathtakingly.

"Hey, Stan, breathe," Richie said, looking back into those grey - speckled orbs, " I wouldn't bring it up if  I didn't know it was safe for you." He finished with a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

All Stan could do was nod as he lowered his head in embarrassment. He shouldn't have overreacted like that. It wasn't a big deal. God, how stupid was he ?

A painful jab in Richie's chest was a feeling that couldn't come across unnoticed as he observed his distraught friend. He hated seeing his- seeing Stan like that. He hated seeing the well - known behavior that he would see every time his parents would shame him for being a not-so-perfect child, and would make him feel like a mistake.
Richie grabbed his friend's head and put it in his chest as he wrapped his arms around the slim figure. He wanted to make him feel safe and accompanied - and loved.

Maybe it was they way he looked at him. Maybe it was the expression in his eyes that made him believe he meant what he said. Maybe it was they way he held him in his arms that made him melt in the inside. Maybe Stan is lovesick for the Trashmouth, totally oblivious if the other's feelings.

"Okay, 'Chee," He said in a soft, almost inaudible voice, " I'll go."

Looking at it now, he wished he weren't under this menacing spell Richie has placed him on. He came only for his pleasure, and found he's not even here to meet him, where he said he was. Richie was never good on time. That's why Stan went to look for him himself.

Observing the bodies that stood around him, more than half were either grinding in each other, or shoving their tongues down each other's throats - including Eddie and Bill. God, do they know how much microbiomes they shove down there ? Like eight million. Eight million microbiomes that stay inside them forever. That thought made Stan physically shiver. From not being kissed ever, or just looking at it from another out of view, Stan doesn't know. All he knows right now is Richie isn't here and he wants to go home.

ENDLESS LOVE ! -STOZIER ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now