Chapter 6

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I decided that the previous chapter five will be deleted. So yeet :/
Keina's POV:

Flash back...
"[y/n/n] you think of monsters?" Reina asked as she gently held onto the hand of a six year old. "Nah ah!" The six year old exclaimed. "Your my sisters! How could I? But why you ask me?" The six year old questioned. She knew something was up the moment her sisters came to her. "You see...the kids in our school calls us snake...because we are different from them...we are always alone, other kids would make fun of us and bully us..." Reina explained as the six year old silently listened. "Kids would always throw stones or salt at us, calling as impure and snakes-"
The six year old pondered for a moment before intertwining her fingers with theirs. "Aren't we all different? In my eyes, you'll forever be my hero!" The six year old beamed at her sisters. I couldn't take it anymore. I caged her into a bone crashing hug as Reina followed suit. Tears swelled up in my eyes, my vision began to blur as tears fell like waterfalls. I could tell Reina holding back her tears but unlike her, I was wailing like a whale. The six year old was now, in a state of confusion and worry, wondering if she was the cause of them crying. "[y/n]..." The six year old hummed,"T-thank you -hic- so s-so mu-ch..." a small smile crept onto her lips as she beamed. "Anything for you!" Oh how positive and oblivious she was, how their little Sister was blind to the cruel and evil world,but that didn't stay for long, that day came, everything went downhill.
Ever since then, she was our hope and sunshine. We had sworn to protect her from the harsh and cold reality to our best abilities but something the past and had completely changed our Sister...we tried our best to bring her back but she had sunk far too deep for us to reach and now, we don't really need more problems to deal with. I buried my face into my hands. It was frustrating, there was so many questions yet to be answered. How did PJ's gang know about 'it'? I swore that the only person we told was [y/n]... Reina, noticing my distress, spoke up, " I know, today was sort of...chaotic? Hehe...but look at the bright side! We're not expelled...yet..." her voice softens towards the end as I glared at her. Reina sighs before continuing, "Look. I'm just as confused as you alright? But now, we know that PJ's gang is definitely on our tail. And our Sister is probably one of their targets now. We've survived for eight years now...I can't really say the same to [y/n] but as least she made it out alive..." "The chances were slim. We could have lost her." I could already feel depression kicking in as I thought of 'it'. "But she's here now...with us. All we have to do now, is support her and guide her. PJ's gang would be one of the many challenges she'll face, you know it, Pj would have targetted her sooner or later but we just refused to acknowledge that until now. Plus I'm pretty sure handling bullies such as red fishy, cat face and jelly skeleton would be a piece of cake for her!" "B-but, what if i-it's too m-much to handle? What if her emotions were too much to handle? W-what if-" "Calm thyself! Believe in her! She has been through more than anyone has ever had!" Reina exclaimed as I held my head low. I sighed in defeat, knowing Reina for nearly my entire living life, it was impossible to win an argument against her, "Alright..." Reina smiled as she spoke, "Come on, let's go! I can already hear her internally screaming for our presence!" Reina joked as she wrapped her arm around mine and pulled me away.

When we came back, [y/n] was surprisingly interacting well with Frisk and Asriel but yet, she still had that uncomfortable look on her face as she looked at us with pleading eyes. Reina immediately got the signal and jumped in to interrupt their conversation while I stood a few feet away. Huh? I wasn't sure if it was just my eyes that was playing tricks on me but...why were there...shadows...surrounding
[y/n]? Yup I'm pretty sure I'm hallucinate, probably from lack of sleep... I shrugged as I approached the group.

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