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what is "unfinished" about?

do you want the short story or the long story? the short story is that it's a compilation of all my unfinished draft stories. the long story involves a winding road of trying to improve my writing and failing and being utterly swamped in writer's block. 

what genres are there in this compilation? 

anything. poetry, prose. romance, mystery, dystopian. anything i write and don't finish gets dumped unceremoniously into this pile of garbage, so that you guys can tell me which is actually an idea that should be continued and which should be left at the very bottom of the rubbish heap permanently for the betterment of humanity. 

why are you not updating your existing stories? 

believe me, i have tried. this is why. because i've been producing low-quality work consistently for quite an amount of time and i can't bear to see that labeled as my work. 

when were all these entries written? 

i post anything written within the span of a few years, so the writing style may or may not vary. but anyhow my writing style is super fluctuating and changes quite a lot, so i think my readers are quite used to this fact. good luck trying to decipher my drafts. 

how would i know what the full story is if you never finish it? 

1) i'll put synopses at the start of every story so that you guys have a gist of what the story generally is about. 

2) if it sounds good and is written well, you may comment and tell me to keep writing it. i may consider continuing that one if so. 

3) please bear in mind that i cannot finish all requests to continue my drafts if there are too much - i am a high school student after all.

what would the story format be like? 

it would end abruptly right where i lost connection with the story, and decided to stop writing it. so you might get half-chopped sentences, or a sentence that doesn't conclude at all, or otherwise a poem that looks like it's been half-mutilated. if these dismembered pieces displease you, or if you are a perfectionist, please avoid this collection quite religiously. 

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