Dom!Ink x Sub!Error

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•*. No one's POV .*•

Ink sighed as he sat in the Doodle-Sphere. No one visited this place much since there wasn't much to see: Just the AUs and a pastel yellow for miles around. He was currently laying on his stomach, arms spread out like he was making a snow angel but upside-down. He swooshed his arms around a bit, wishing he had decided to do this in Snowdin. There, he could ACTUALLY make a snow angel. Actually, that'd probably be way too cold for me. Just.. laying on the snow. He then remembered he was a skeleton and couldn't really feel the weather, and chuckled. "Oh yeah!" He smiled. Then boredom hit him again. What was he to do? Dream and Blue were out doing their own things, and he didn't really feel like trying to mess around with a bad guy. But, little did he know, a bad guy was gonna mess with HIM.

•*. Error's POV .*•

I had a portal opened a bit back from Ink. I watched him make upside-down, non-existent snow angels. What an idiot. I kept watching as he chuckled at nothingness, then go silent. Oh, he was bored. I could tell from the way he just laid there for a while that he had literally nothing to do. He was still silent I was guessing he was thinking about something. What a doofus, I thought as I continued watching. He then suddenly turned to face me and I squeaked, closing the portal quickly.

•*. Ink's POV .*•

After I stopped thinking about who to bother, I swore I heard something. I turned to see Error watching me. He then squeaked once I saw him, and closing the Glitchy portal he had created. I chuckled deeply then summoned a portal, hopping through it. Let's go pay Error a "visit."

•*. No One's POV .*•

Ink got through the portal and looked around. The void. A plain, white place that Ink despised because of its lack of color. Ink shook his head to clear his thoughts, then continued looking for Error. He finally spotted him in the corner shivering a bit; seemingly.. scared? Ink blinked causing his eyes to change to question marks. He walked over to Error slowly and quietly, keeping his cover low. He pounced on Error while he was close enough, causing the glitchy skeleton to yelp in shock. "W-wha.. I-INK?!" Error squeaked once Ink had pinned him down. "You know, Error.. you've seemed tense lately. How about I help you relax?~" Ink softly cooed in to Error's ear-hole. Error blushed a deep yellow, then squirmed a bit. Ink nibbles on Error's neck, instantly finding the other skeleton's sensitive spot. Error let out a hitched breath, slowly moaning out from pleasure. Ink chuckled lowly, turning Error on. Ink decided that he wasn't gonna just tease, and he pulled his pants off. Taking Error's off too. Error summoned an entrance, and Ink had a hard member ready. He slowly pushed his tip in to Error, then waited- not wanting to hurt Error even the slightest. Ink let out worried whimpers when Error's face scrunched up in pain, and Error giggles softly. "I-I'm fine Squid.. I-it just stings a bit.." Ink nuzzled in to the nape of Error's neck, still whimpering. "Pfft! Squid.. even when you ARE dominant you still are adorably submissive!" Ink let out a 'hmph' then pulled out of Error, making the other skeleton raise a brow. "Summon a.. a-a.." Ink stuttered, not used to saying lewd words. Error chuckled already knowing what he was gonna say, and summoned a hard member. Ink drooled a bit as his cunt formed, then he hovered over Error. He sat down on Error, not feeling as much pain. More drool seeped from his mouth as he carefully bounced up and down. Error groaned in pleasure, leaning his head back. "D-damn it I-Ink.." Error huffed, bucking his hips a bit. "S-so...t-tight.." Ink blushed up a deep rainbow of colors and bounced faster, sticking his multi-colored tongue out. Error grabbed his hips and slammed up in to him. Ink screamed out in pleasure, feeling close. "E-error baby-!~ I-I'm g-gonna..~" Ink suddenly came after speaking, coating Error's member in his cum. Error kept going for a couple more minutes, causing Ink to cum even more. The glitchy skeleton finally came in to the other colorful one, his member being coated in 3 layers of Ink's cum. He pulled out, then snuggled close to Ink, purring in to the nape of Ink's neck. "T-that was good.. wanna doing it again after you've gotten your energy back Squid?" Ink thought for a moment, before nodding. He closed his eye-sockets, breathing slowly and eventually falling asleep. Error waited for him, then fell asleep too; happy he could claim Ink as his.

{ BONUS! }
{ After Ink and Error to the dirty }

Geno sat in the Save Screen Silently. Suddenly, from across the voids he heard.. screaming? But, it wasn't in distress.. it was in pleasure. He raised a brow and opened a small portal to look through. The portal went through voids looking for the source of the scream. He finally found the right void and winced at what he saw. Ink riding Error like a damn horse. Geno mumbled; "sluts.." before closing the portal. He sat down, suddenly feeling sick to his non-existent stomach. He stayed like that for a while before his rival, Reaper, came. "Hey Geno-" he spoke but then paused at seeing Geno laying on the ground in utter pain. "Woah.. you alright there?" Reaper floated over then sat beside Geno. Geno huffed; "I've seen some shit that makes me wanna throw up. If I could, that is." Reaper have a confused look before asking; "You've seen WHAT, exactly?" Geno opened the same portal to let Reaper see Ink and Error fucking like animals. Reaper seemed un-phased. "I see stuff like that all the time in UnderLust," he said softly, "doesn't phase me at this point. But, I still feel empathy for you about it." Reaper turned to look Geno in the eyes; "want me to stay with you for a bit?" Geno sighed and nodded. "Thanks.." he mumbled to Reaper. "Just being a friend," Reaper replied.

{ There y'all go- part 2. Geez this was 1066 words. }

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2018 ⏰

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