[fake love]

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the girl in the silver mask appears in his dreams again. jewels and pearls embellishing the thick material, glossed with glitter and gems. but nothing, not even the intricate rose carved onto the mask, forming a lovely, lovely blossom on the upper part of the mask could shield the gleam in her enchanting eyes. and that bewitching smile.

oh how beguiling is the daughter of aphrodite

her peached lips curve into a sly smile, tantalizing enough for the man with a weak heart to propel himself into the void of lust. knowing that he should leave yet not wanting to let go at the same time.

her radiance showered him with what he thought was true love. words, coming from her pretty, plump lips fooled him into thinking the fire burning in him was aided by love when it was in fact, desire.



oh how innocent is the rose picker?
allowing himself to be pricked by the venomous thorns yet clutching onto the rose's stem for his dear life.

but what's brighter?
the bright red of the intertwining rose petals ?
or the crimson scars on your wrist?


i should be sleeping ; journalWhere stories live. Discover now