[Arc 1] prologue

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   " where I am I. " I said to myself.
" looks like the last one have just woken up just in time. "

"Who are you!? Why  am here!?  I want to go home now! "A man with a bad attitude said.

I look around and the were four people and plus a girl who just appear.

" Good you are all awake. I am the goddess of light and creation Aria.
I summoned you here to rebuild my ruined world." The girl.

" I want to go back now." 1  said.

" What how can  we help to rebuild a rotten world like yours." The 2nd said.

" will the be many will I be rich and powerful. " The third said.

"Will the be women. " The last said.

What the hell is wrong with this guys
Saying disgusting.

" From now what will happen to as and if we refuse can we go home. "
I ask in a calm manner.

" If you go with my offer I while go two skills you need and two items, but if I send you home you will probably died." She told as.

" I accept." We all said very well l.

" Michael here is here is your status plate. " She said.

"What? My magic power is 900!! " Michael said in excitement.

"Oh wow have a rare Eternal slave.
The Eternal slave will be according to the masters while and power. You  skills are creation magic and item box.
I will send you to the continent of { Xen'drik}. Good luck. "She said.

The second was sent to { Khorvaire. }

The third was sent to { Argonnessen. }

The fourth was sent to { sarlona.}

Then came my turn .

She gave me the status plate and I look at my status.

Name: Max Allen
Lvl 1????
Hp : 10????
Magic power : 10????
Skills : ????
Slave : 1 ????

"My magic power is 10."
I said in a said tone. I know that thr others are above 800.
" don't worry. ......Uh..... "

"What's wrong? " I ask.

"You can't receive you slave n..ow."She said in a awkward tone.

I starting to feel dizzy.
I am losing my conciseness.
I need more information about this world.

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