[chapter 1] first slave

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I woke up in an un familiar area.

After waking up I walk about 20 minutes in an unknown forest and I was attacked by 5  rabbits that seems to be on fire I think they ma be fire rabbits.

The first rabbit charged at my with full speed. The fire rabbits shot a 《 Fireball》 at me
I dodged thrown a stone at it.

The stone hit and it die in an instant.
They are so weak like me

The remaining four attacked and I kill them all.
《Level up》《level up》 《 level up》《level up》 《level up》
《Divine Imagination magic unlocked 》《 slave unlocked》

What I leveled up 5 times

I should check my status.
Name :Max Allen
Lvl : 5
Hp :500 000
Magic power :ºº
Skills : imagination magic lvl 5 (rank z godly)
Imagination: ºº
Grimoire: imagination Grimoire lvl 5
Slave : 1

What's this I became overpowered just by killing 5 rank E rabbits.

" Hello master nice to meet you I am Yue please treat me well." A beautiful girl with blue hair , red eyes,  a black and blue dress that looks like a jacket.
She was wearing knee  socks and black boots.

" Hello I Max please take care of me."(max)

"Please tell me where we are."( Max)

" Master we are on the the smallest floating continent of  Eberron , It's called Aerenal . Even if it is small it is known to be the most dangerous place in  Eberron. The population is about 5 000 people and they are known for hunting to live and lastly the is no country established after the war. "(Yue)

"Thanks, let as keep moving I think I see a small cave, we will camp there for tonight"( Max)

I said and move to enter the cave.

It's smaller than I thought. Ok now let me look at what my skills can do.

I start by try to imagine a hologram
In front of me showing Yue's status.

Name : Yue
Lvl : 5 ( due to the master servant contact.
Hp: 100 000
Mp: 100 000
Imagination : 100 000
Skills : imagination magic lvl 5
Grimoire: The snow wind Grimoire lvl2

Wow she is strong and she doesn't act or look like a slave . ok let try lets test the creation magic.

I snap my fingers a black coat with a black and white sword appear in my game like hologram.

I snap my fingers and the information show up about the items I gained.

[Dragon gods set
Rank: ???(z)

Black dragon Gloves
Description : gloves made from the the black dragon God's scales.
This gloves can only be used by the owner. If another person use them he/she will be cursed and die in an instant.
Effect: increase the users strength, and attack speed
Skills gained : Dragon wrath,  self repair item,
Flame punch, unbreakable.( locked)

Black and White dragon twin swords.

Description : two swords forged from the fang of the black and white dragon.
Effect: the wielder becomes a master swords man. Unbreakable
Skills gained : black and white dragon sword technique, duel wielding,
Holy  slash, dark slash, dragons aura.

Dragons Coat

Description : I coat made from the five godly dragans.

Effect : unbreakable
Skills gained : self cleaning, all status resistant, dragons wings

Dragon jean and shoes

Description : items from another world upgrade to an unimaginable rank.

Effect : unbreakable, wander
Skills gained : air walk, inventory pocketg.

Wow this is an amazing set I will equip it
I snap my fingers.
(  need 95 more level )

What I can create it because of my level.
What about a house

Needs leve
《 Dragon gods set equipped》

Now let's create a new dungeon to level up.

What about a house I snap my fingers again.

( need 10 more levels)

How do Ievel up.

I snap my fingers.
( kill monsters on the same level or higher )
《 finger snap lvl up to 6 》
《Imagination magic lvl up to 6 》

I created our camping set and food for our dinner. I started settings up the camp.

Some minutes later finishing eat and setting the camp.
I snapped my fingers and seal the cave entire.

" ok you can use that and I going to sleep on the other. "(Max)

" No I want to sleep on the same bed as you."(Yue)
What is she thinking.

" But-"(Max )

" No buts."(Max )

Wow she is stubborn.

" Ok."(Max)

  Time skip the next morning.

I wake up late and Yue was  boring her head.

"Sorry master a slave like me is not suppose to sleep on the same bed as master. (Yue)
What is gone into to her. Yesterday she was stubborn and spoiled but know she...

I snapped my fingers.
(Yue is a girl who have a curse/blessing that changes her mood or behaviour everyday. She betrays her master but she may be weak or a strong person, evil or good . She is very loyal to her master.)
What I going to have a hard time with this girl, but she speal.

" Its for fine let eat and then we leave this place. "(Max)
Next updated will be next week.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2018 ⏰

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