Chapter 1

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The class was quiet as the teacher explained complex maths. At the back of the class, a pale teenager sat boredly, tapping his finger on his desk as he stared halfheartedly out the window. The sun streaming in, making him anxious with excitement for his lunch nap. Though he's forced to be human for high school, at night, the real fun begins. During the day he tries to nap to get more time out in the night. As he looked out over the horizon that lay outside of the school walls, he noticed a building's roof in the distance. He could make out the small silhouette of a gargoyle on the pointed roofs of the building. He sighed, pondering to himself. He knew what the building was; it was his preschool. He went there as a child. But he wondered what happened to the rest of the class. It's been years since they talked to each other, and the chances of them bumping into each other? It just made him depressed. Blurry memories came to mind, forcing him to smile slightly as he pictured each classmate. There was Katya. She was a witch, and a powerful one at that. And there was Lobo, too. He was a werewolf, and his dad was a firefighter. Then there was Cleo, a mummy princess. And Frankie; thinking about how he stomped around made him chuckle softly. And Zoe. She was a zombie, and a talented one, as well as shy. And there was Spike. It was the first time he'd met a dragon, especially one as excitable as him. Memories of their few Halloweens together played in his mind. He sighed, looking back out to the outside world. He watched the birds soar by, reminding him of the days he spent performing loop-de-loops around tree branches, sometimes, his friends would be there cheering him on. His heart swirled gently, unsure whether to be happy or sad. Before he could think, the school bell went. He sighed and packed up his things and left the class. He walked silently along the corridors, looking out the windows as he tried to remember what his friends looked like. Chances are, that must've changed. No way could they look the same as they did when they were children. Still, it made him curious. What do they look like, now? What are they up to? He sat there, daydreaming by the window.

Surely, Katya's magic would've gotten even better and more amazing than he remembers. Maybe she can do more difficult spells. He remembers that Zoe loved painting, so maybe she hasn't given that up. Cleo loved the stage - she did like being the centre of the stage, but wasn't ignorant of the others. Frankie loved creating buildings with blocks (then proceeding to smash them) and playing on his dad's mobile. Lobo loved running around. Once he started, you could never catch him. And Spike was just willing to do whatever - well, when he wanted to, that is.

He sighed, placing his head against the window. He couldn't help but wonder where they all are. His dad had told him not all friendships last, but... it's not that he hates humans. Quite the opposite actually. But he's never felt so alone in his life. Surrounded by human friends, and humans at all times, and he was completely alone. As far as he knows, he's the only monster at the school. He felt his heart grow heavy as his eyes watered slightly, picturing his friends and their voices, their laughs. How innocent they were. If only you were still with me... He thought to himself, a tear escaping his eye. He was interrupted by a tap on his shoulder. He turned to see a teacher looking rather angrily at him. He wiped away his tears, and prepared for punishment.

"Why aren't you in class, Mr Drac?" The teacher asked,

"I'm sorry, Mrs Halsing... I got caught up in some thoughts," Drac explained, but he knew what was coming.

"Do you think daydreaming is gonna get you good grades?" Mrs Halsing asked.

"I wasn't daydreaming!..." Drac exclaimed, before more tears fell down his cheeks. "... I was mourning..." Drac sighed, letting the tears win. Suddenly, Mrs Halsing softened, taking pity on him.

"What were you mourning?" Mrs Halsing,

"I miss my friends..." Drac started,

"But you have so many friends h-"

"That's not what I meant. I meant... my friends from pre-school..." Drac interrupted, wrapping his arms around himself. Mrs Halsing sighed, looking Drac in the eyes.

"I know you were really close with them. Everybody does, but life can't stay the same. Life always changes. But I'm sure they're all alright, and I'm sure they think of you, too." Mrs Halsing explained, comforting Drac. Mrs Halsing pondered to herself. "You know what? Take your lunch time nap now. You can do it on the shady patch on the roof as usual," Mrs Halsing offered. Drac nodded, sniffling as he wiped away tears.

As he walked onto the roof, he could feel the heat burning down on him. Even in his human form, he can't stay in the sun too long. He raced to the shady patch, shadows stretching long where a pillow and blanket awaited him. He quickly rolled up in them, crying as he tried to sleep. His heart hurt, picturing each of his friends and their vivid memories. What he would give to see one of them, especially right now. After some time, he was just about to drift off, when he heard the rooftop door open. He froze on the spot, but attempted to stay still. Maybe they won't notice him. Suddenly, he heard gentle humming. He recognised the voice. Something told him he'd heard this voice somewhere before. He slowly got up, peering out and seeing a girl sitting on the bench. She had hair in dreadlocks, and he caught a glimpse of her dark skin. She wore a bright and colourful dress. She looked like she was busy. Drac got up and walked over silently, trying to get a glimpse of this girl. He moved silently to the side, seeing only a glimpse of her face. He cocked his head, trying to remember, when he suddenly slipped and fell. The girl heard, looking over in his direction. Drac hesitantly looked at her, ready for drama. Suddenly, he stopped. The face... he knows her.


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