Chapter 6 - RE-POST

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"Luna!" In a flash, Zoe was on the ground, giggling as a horse nuzzled Zoe like a dog. Katya giggled sweetly, Henri mewing. Drac wiped away his tears, shaking his head as he chuckled. "Where have you been, girl? I haven't seen you in forever!" Zoe asked. The horse responded, looking behind itself and neighing. From a bush in the distance, a smaller purple horse walked out. Katya and Zoe awed the creature while Drac stood there in confusion. Of course... Luna has a child... The baby horse strolled up to Zoe, allowing her to stroke it. In the distance, Drac heard the sound of a vehicle.

"Zoe, Luna, you might wanna get off the road," Drac stated. Zoe stood up and lead the horses off of the road, and just in time as a rundown car sped past them, a howl faintly escaping the car.

"Please tell me you heard that howl too..." Katya said. Zoe and Drac nodded. Drac took off from the ground and went chasing after the car. "Oh, of course, Drac! Leave us in the dust!" Katya sighed. With a wave of her wand, her broom appeared and she took off after him. Zoe got onto Luna, Henri following suit. She raced after the two on the back of Luna, Luna ordering her child to go home.

When Drac came to a stop, he was now by an old junkyard. Looking in, he could see spray paint almost everywhere, as well as faint lights against mountains of trash, suggesting that a car's headlights were on. Katya pulled up beside him, looking in. Drac and Katya exchanged glances. They heard dirt being scuffled below them; looking down, they saw Zoe getting off of Luna and ducking behind a bush. Drac soared in cautiously, signalling for the others to stay behind. He landed on top of a mountain of scrapped cars, looking down in. Below, he noticed eyes peering out from the shadows, glowing a bright amber. Like a wolf. In the centre stood someone around his age, definitely taller than him but also slightly on the bigger side. He could hear faint sobbing; I'm gonna guess it's not the eyes in the shadows... Drac focused intently, noticing the kid mumble to himself. Suddenly, before he could think, the kid looked to the moon and bellowed.

"Sun down!" Drac was caught off guard, falling back slightly, the kid's roar shaking the air like an earthquake. Katya raced to over to where Drac was, jumping off of her broom and landing by his side and helping him recover. Suddenly, a green light circled the air soon followed by the sound of something being crunched. Drac and Katya looked over the edge; the boy now had dark green skin, and was much bigger than he was before. Bolts came from his neck, and his head was mucher squarer than before. Drac looked back towards the shadow, hope filling his heart. The person seemed to notice, as the eyes looked directly at him. Before he could think, they vanished into the darkness. Katya seemed to have noticed as well, as she was about to pull Drac up and head back to the edge of the junkyard when they heard a loud growl coming from behind them. Katya and Drac slowly turned, seeing the amber eyes staring directly at them. Within the darkness, Drac could see pearly, white teeth greeting him. At this point, his head was so full of bells that you'd think his mind was Notre Dame. Drac backed off as Katya got back on her broom and raced off. He was right up against the edge as the source of the eyes came over him, the teeth practically aimed for his neck. He whinced and closed his eyes, looking away. He heard a sniff. He opened an eye, noticing the nose of... a wolf... it was twitching as it took in his scent. Drac watched with uncertainty. The wolf's face became illuminated fully in the moonlight, a wide grin on its face as it exclaimed, pulling away from Drac's neck.

"Drac!?" Drac raised a brow, before logic finally hit him. As he calmed down, he took a proper look at the face of the wolf, slowly recognising the person in front of him.

"Lobo!" Drac cheered. Lobo pounced, wrapping Drac in a hug, which sent them both tumbling over the edge and to the ground below. Drac fell on top of Lobo with an 'Ow', hearing the sounds of whooshing and footsteps racing towards him. Around the corner, Zoe appeared and Katya landed by Drac, helping the two off of the floor. Zoe raced over, recognising Lobo instantly. Lobo began to bounce around like a bunny on crack. His excitement was burning like lava, making Drac grin wildly.

"It's been a long time, Lobo," Katya smiled. Drac remember the other person he saw; he looked towards the shadow, hearing soft sobs escape its grasp. Drac walked over, holding his hand out into the darkness.

"We didn't forget about you either, Frankie..." Drac smiled warmly. Faintly Drac spotted crackles of green electricity where the bolts would be. Before he could think, he was embraced and held tightly. He could hear Frankie's sobs fill the air. The others approached them and hugged them. Drac began to turn blue - quite literally - and was barely able to choke words out.

"You... g-guys... I c-c-can't b-breathe..." Instantly, everyone moved back slightly and Frankie put Drac down, swarming him in apologies.

"I forgot about that... you OK, Drac?" Frankie asked.

"I'm fine. You used to destroy flower pots with your pinkie when we were kids, I'm pretty used to it." Drac responded.

"Why are you guys here in the junkyard, anyway?" Zoe asked. Suddenly, a silence swept through the air. All that could be heard was the distant hum of crickets. The group looked amongst each other. Frankie looked at Lobo, who simply nodded silently. Frankie sighed. Drac gulped; this was gonna be a long talk.

*Reposted to remove a literal trash fire of comments.*

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