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AJ watched in horror as Nikki performed the Rack Attack on Paige. She watched as Nikki went for the cover.


This wasn't happening.


Please kick out Paige.



"Here is your winner, and the new Divas Champion, Nikki Bella!"

Double shit.

AJ watched, frozen. She lost the title. She was no longer champion. AJ had caused Paige the title. The stage personals were setting up for the next match when AJ broke out of her stupor.

AJ couldn't find her anywhere.  She needed to find her. She needed to make sure her friend was okay. She knew that the younger girl could crack. She hoped she wouldn't. They had made so much progress, and Paige couldn't go back to her dark place. She just couldn't.

AJ found Nikki and Brie. She gave them a small smile. She didn't know what to feel. On one hand, she was happy for the winner, but on the other, she wished she had lost.

"Hey, have, uh, any of you seen Paige?" AJ asked, a bit awkwardly.

Nikki shook her head. She looked at Brie before turning back to AJ. "She left pretty quickly."

AJ sighed. She started to walk away, but then stopped and looked at Nikki. "Congrats on the win."

Nikki beamed and nodded. "Thank you. I can't believe I'm a two-time champion."

"I'm happy for you," AJ said giving them a smile. She turned and left, looking for Paige.


"So my team lost, and yours won. What's next for the Emmalution?" Seth asked, as he sat down next to Emma.

The Aussie grinned. "World Domination."

Seth laughed. "I'll be the first to submit."

"We haven't hung out in some time," Emma said, after they stopped laughing. She turned to look at the people partying.

"We do all the time."

"No, I mean alone. We share a room, but Dean is there. We go out, Paige is there. We don't hang out anymore, just the two of us."

"We're out now. Let's change that then. Just the two of us, like old times."

"Well, not old times. The only reason we were able to hang out alone so much was because Paige was in an abusive relationship."

Seth nodded solemnly. "But not anymore."

Emma nodded. "Not anymore. She's being taken care of by AJ."


"I still don't trust her. She hurt Paige twice. And I don't want there to be a third time."

"I don't think there will be. AJ just realized her feeling for Paige."

"Is she going to tell her?"

"I don't know yet."

"Will Paige forgive? Can she trust her again? AJ did rip out Paige's heart before. Can she be trusted to not do it again?"

Seth frowned before shaking his head. "I don't know. We'll just have to see what Paige does, and trust her judgment."

Emma nodded. "So, anyone catch your attention?"

Seth grinned. "Yeah."

Emma gave him a tight smile. "Really? Does she work with us?"

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