6. What's up, Mumbles?

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Mickey's POV (20 minutes later)

'Holy fuck babe. That was amazing.' Ian chuckles next to me as he wraps himself under our shared duvet. I wrap my arm around him and pull him near. He's cold. And shaking like a leaf. You cold? I think about asking, but instead just drag more of the blanket over him, pulling him even closer.

We stay like that for some time. Just lying next to each other in silence, neither of us saying anything. Staring at the old ceiling over us. There's a crack on the ceiling. A huge crack that goes through the entire space, a huge crack that shows how things can break. Even this once so strong wood, now it's cracked and old. Week and breakable.

After what feels like could've been maybe 10 minutes, Ian shifts onto his side and wraps his arms around me using my chest as his pillow. I kiss his hair and breath in his scent.

'What?' He asks looking up at me when I take a deep breath as if I was trying to memorize his smell. As if it was the only thing keeping me functioning.

'Nothing. I just - it's stupid really.' I chuckle slightly offering him a small kiss.

'Just like how you smell. I missed it in the joint.' The joint. There was nothing in the world that I missed more in the joint, than Ian. His smell, his voice. That little thing he does when he speaks, shifting his head. You all know what I'm talking about. Or maybe he does that only when I'm around. Maybe it is not meant for a million people to see. Maybe it's just ment for me.

'What do I smell like?' He asks me with a small grin on his tired face. It's in that moment when I realize just how tired he really is. How overstrained he is.

'Home.' I answer simply and he manages a smile at that. He lifts his head just enough so that I can reach to connect our lips gently. And I kiss him soundly and slow. He pulls away after a bit and sets his head back on my chest. I don't know how to react really, how to be all cute or cuddly. But it doesn't really matter, I just like having him close to me.

Everything is silent. Not one sound in our room. And Ian closes his eyes. He yaws a little making my heart flip. I've never wanted to admit it really, but right now I can't help but take notice on how cute and innocent he really looks. Nothing like he did a few moments ago. He looks like a puppy. And we all know the feeling, wanting to hold a puppy so tight someone may wonder, are you trying to crush it? This is how I feel now.

Ian shifts again, kissing my chest with closed eyes before he suddenly falls asleep. And I let him. I stroke his hair with ly hand gently, letting him drift to Neverland. I'm just happy he gets sleep finally. He's been stressing his ass off about everything for the past 3 days.

I don't feel tired at all so I just stay up, brushing my hand through his ginger hair, viewing him as he drifts deeper into his sleep, his breath tingling my skin. I'm too afraid to even move away from under him. Or to even shift into a more comfortable position. I don't want him to awake, not now that he finally is getting some rest.

Ian's POV

I wake up feeling much less tired. Finally, I feel like I actually got some rest. Falling asleep in Mickey's hold guaranteed a peaceful sleep and for the first time since we crossed the border, I didn't see a nightmare. I didn't see a nightmare. I only saw Mickey. Mickey and me.

I fumble around me in the bed, reaching for Mickey with my eyes still closed. But Mickey isn't in the bed anymore.

'Babyyy...' I mutter calling for Mickey.

'Come back in here.'

I feel the bed sink down as Mickey kneels onto it next to me.

'You still tired?' He asks and sets his hand on my cheek and I nod as an answer. He lays down next to me and spoons up against me. I feel awfully worn up. Like there's no point in living kinda worn up. Like all I wanna do is sleep myself away from all the stress of the day. Sleep. I just wanna sleep.

As soon as Mickey wraps an arm around me again, making me feel safe and sound, I fall asleep.

Mickey's POV

'Yo, Sleepyface. Get your ass up, man, time to roll.' I hail to Ian when I walk out of the bathroom. He's still in bed. He's pulled the blanket up above his head and isn't making any movements to get up. I walk closer to him and try again.

'Babe we gotta keep movin'. Go get some cash and shit.' I hear Ian mumble something back to me under the duvet but I can't make sense of what he's saying.

'What's that, Mumbles?' I ask dragging the blanket off of his head.

'Leave me alone.' He says tiredly. I lay my hand on his side comfortingly, trying to figure out what's going on.

'You feelin' sick or something?' I ask worriedly. But I don't get an answer out of him at all. Maybe I don't even want an answer.

'Look, babe, we gotta give back the room in like 30 minutes. I'd much rather stay in bed with you, too but-'

'Jesus Christ, leave me alone!' Ian suddenly yells out and I startle a little. Fuck. Not now. I think in my head and suddenly realize I haven't seen Ian taking his meds, not once after we left Chicago.

'Get the fuck off me.' Ian snaps again moving away from my touch.

'Go away. I don't want you here!'

'Did you take your meds with you, babe?' I try asking but he just lets out a tiny sneer at the question. I get up from the bed and go to his back bag. I open the front case and search around for his meds. They aren't there. Fuck.

'Ian. Did you take them with you?' I ask again walking back to the bed. He doesn't say anything. I glance at the clock and it's showing 1.35 pm. We have to give back the room at 2 a clock, sharp. I view back at Ian, who's lying in the bed, still in the same position. It's then when I realize he's not getting up anytime soon. I bring my hand to my face in frustration and worry. The fuck am I gonna do now?

I grab our money and put most of it in the pocket of my jeans. I then walk out the door and head to the lobby.

'Hi. I'm Martin. Me and my boyfriend got a room upstairs and we're supposed to give it away in like 30 minutes but we got a situation up there. We need the room for a while longer.' I blurt as I walk towards the old lady who owns the motel.

'I'm sorry that's not going to be possible. There's another visitor coming to that room at 3. And I need to clean the room before that.'

'Fuck. Okay. Umm. Fuck. Can you fucking give us a minute more? I'll pay you.' I ask and slam some of the money onto the counter. The lady looks down at the money and then back to me, tiredly.

'No. I'm sorry. There isn't a choice really. I'm gonna need the keys back in 15 minutes.'

'Fuck. C'mon. There's always a choice. Let's just cut the bullshit and name your price.' I say and her eyes widen a little. She shakes her head a little and turns to walk away. I automatically grab her arm.

'Excuse me.' She says louder now and tugs her arm free. I step back a little in slight embarrassment and surprise of my own actions.

'Sorry. I didn't mean to -'

'Just get out of here.'

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2018 ⏰

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