A maiden's cry

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I sat at my window as i watched the rain washed away your footsteps.

And as the breeze blow away that sweet fragrance of your perfume.

Remembering all the stories you told me

Trying to keep my tears from falling

My tears rolled down my cheeks

Crying why why…

Did you leave me

To be this hurt

Gone so soon

Leaving me with a broken heart

O how I miss the times you were around

I'm crying out but it's not like you can come back now

Moving to another state was your only hope of giving me a better education.

Momma was trying to play tough saying that she could do it all on her own.

But playing superwoman all she really needed was a superman soul.

But all I try to keep telling myself that it's just a dream

But as the days passed by I then realized that it was true

no father to protect me

no one to teach me how to face the world

My first love was gone

My entire life was torn apart

If only I could have pressed the reset button

Do everything all over again from the start

O how it breaks my heart

And as my very last drop of tear fall to the ground

I built myself the courage to keep moving forward.

“Leh d past b d past”

And in that instant my tears turned to ecstasy.

Being the brave girl you’ve always taught me to be and so i got up and headed to my computer to say these words daddy I love you and I always will ...

                                                     love your little girl

                                                      XOXO slimz

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2018 ⏰

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