Chap. 6

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Before they go to Flower Snack

"Wait before we go Hyunjoon-ah, I know it's sound crazy but can I at least fix your makeup first?" Juyeon asks.

"Why? I mean there's nothing special now that you knew that I have makeup on. I thought you wouldn't notice about face."

"Well I just notices already with sweats that you wipe off. Now please?"

"Ok hyung but do you know how use it though?" the cupid question the visual.

"All I know is that Changmin taught me on how recently for some reason. So I guess this is why."

"Oh alright hyung."

Once Hyunjoon sits down at the chair, Juyeon grabs some makeup for his love one's skin and might plan to put lipstick later on. Juyeon starts removing one that was sweating already, with his eyes only around the cupid's face features. As he starts the foundation, his eyes looking at each of his boyfriend's skin and cannot bring himself but to thought about it.

"Wow. I never knew that his skin can be this fair" Juyeon thought.

After that, he finishes off with the lipstick which he'll use the lightest pastel red. Well for Juyeon, there's the actual behind the lipstick one with a reason. Therefore, he's going to try to kiss him on the soft lips to show him how he loves him. Hyunjoon on the other hand, he felt his heart is furiously beating with Juyeon face was like barely close to each others' face. Hence, he had a feeling that his blush will be notice once his serious lover is done.

"Ok it's done, Hyunjoonie" Juyeon with his simple proud smile.

Hyunjoon looks at the mirror on the dance practice room and was actually surprise. He thought it might go bad due to his sloppiness, but he did well. With his skin glows, and his lips were not too much red but the slight pastel red, it looks exactly like what Changmin did.

"So, did I do well?" with the worried face that Juyeon made.

"You did very much like Changmin-hyung did."

"Really?" Juyeon with his face lit up to happiness.

"Yeah, you did hyung."

Juyeon, with his happy face for the relieve, he just notices the necklace that Hyunjoon wears and begin to get curious.

After Flower Snack (which is right now)

"Why? Is there something inside like something important?" he tries to get closer to his boyfriend to see the necklace.

"Not really, it's just my family's photo that's all" the cupid steps back.

They're at the Juyeon's garden which the cupid wanted to see. Juyeon on the other hand, is almost desperately inside that he wants to kiss his lover.

"Hyunjoon-ah" he calls the cupid.


"Am I your first love, right?"

"Of course you are. Who else do I fall in love with?" with his cute baby voice as he turns around to the serious guy.

"Why you ask, hyung?"

"Oh nothing just nothing" as the visual rub his back neck with his hand.

After their silent treatment with their eyes looking at each other, Juyeon is prepared to do his move by grabbing the cupid's hands while looking at Hyunjoon. On the other hand, the cupid already know his action as he closes his eyes knowing that he'll be kiss by his older boyfriend. They were so close to each others' lips until an unexpected intruder came.

"THEY'RE TRYING TO KISS AGAIN!!!!" someone pointed out the couple.

They were startled which causes Hyunjoon to take a step backward away from Juyeon, who turned around to find the intruder's voice.

"Hyung, you're not supposed to yell at them. Do you want us to be exposed" another person whisper and tag along with an intruder.

"I think you two are exposed Changmin, Jaehyun-hyung.💢" Juyeon with his slight annoyed voice and glaring at them at the bush.

"Oh Juyeon, heyyo buddio. How you doing? You know I just happen to past your house today and I-" Jaehyun's sentences were interrupt.

"No, you're not and it seems that you two have been spying on us when we were on a date right?"

"What? No, I was just minding my own business until Jaehyun persistently wants me to be part of that nonsense spying" Changmin tries to clear out his friend.

"No you didn't Changmin. You ask me just to see if Hyunjoon's safe." Jaehyun said.

"What are you talking about you're the one who started and your own crazy mind, hyung" Changmin replies.

While the two bicker over that, Juyeon goes up to his cute lover to see if he's ok.

"Hyunjoon-ah. Are you okay?"

"Huh? Oh yeah I'm okay" Hyunjoon looks up to Juyeon.

"Look umm I'm sorry that Jaehyun-hyung and Changmin interrupt. But do you-"

"Umm I need to go home I have to do important stuff going on. Bye Juyeon-hyung" the innocent boy peck Juyeon's cheek and leaves.

Juyeon, with his eyes on Hyunjoon as he walks away, he touch his cheek where his boyfriend had kiss.

Hey you guys how do you like it? Honestly with Juhwall I feel like my mind is on Juhwall instead 2park from Wanna One for some reason but bye. Have a good day! 😊 P.S. I'll be busy next week and don't worry, chap.7 and 8 will be here after my next busy week. See you then

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