Chapter 1

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Today I really want to talk to Tanner, but I know he doesn't like me in that way. At least of what I know. I tried to go up to him and ended up falling on my face. Let me explain what happened, so I was walking towards him and I was texting on my phone and listening to music, so I didn't really see what was happening and i tripped on a rock and fell on my face. I was so embarrassed, that I ran home in tears.


I was waiting at my car waiting for violet to come, I see her walking towards me and she was on her phone and then she trips on a rock and I go up to her to see if she's okay but she just runs away with tears streaming down her face. I wish I was at least running with her comforting her against my shoulder.

When she was running away it looked like she was limping, so I got in my car and drove to her house. As I was driving down the street towards her house, I see Violet on her porch steps sobbing in the rain. I got out of my car and walked up to Violet and sat next to her as I put my arm around her and gave her my sweater. I picked her up and walked across the street to my house, and as soon as we got in the house i put her on the couch and

I said " Be right back I'm gonna go get ice. Okay Gummy Bear?"

Then she said "Okay" then sniffled.

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