hyr + myg

529 30 3

the moon was shining again so brightly from the window of the schools music room

here is where we practising endlessly and have our midnight talks 

hey you think the world would change if i didnt exist?


if i died i wonder if anyone will remember me

if i died will i be able to live in someone elses heart?

why are you bringing up such topics?

im just curious

at how cruel and unfair life can be

so in the meantime

lets live for real

lets live like there is no reset button

lets live like todays our last day

lets live with no regrets

(your eyes glistened like stars in the moonlight)

(why are you like this?)

(trying to act like you are happy)

(whats wrong?)

(i want to know)

(what are you keeping from me?)

(what are you keeping from everyone?)

april ; m.ygWhere stories live. Discover now