I Don't Wanna Be Here

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Kenma's pov

"..Kuroo.." I mumble quietly, pausing my game. He side glances me before stopping what he was doing and turning to face me. "Yes?" I bite my lip, looking down at my lap. "I-"

"Tetsurou-san!" He turns his head at the sound of his name being called. He turns back with an apologetic look on his face. "Sorry, Kenma, I'll text you later and you can tell me then, okay?" He asks standing up, making me look up at him with a blank stare. "..Okay.." I look back down, frowning when he leans down and hugs me before walking away, leaving me sitting on the bleachers alone. I sigh standing up and slowly trudge my way to the clubroom to change into my tracksuit.

After changing I slowly make my way to the school gate. Once outside of it, I turn and see Kuroo with a female and a few of the volleyball club members. I bite my lip walking as fast as I can to the train station.


A sigh passes my lips as I stare at my phone, no longer enjoying the game. I side glance at the clock seeing that it's 23:53 and Kuroo hadn't texted like he said he would. I knew he wouldn't. A shaky breath passes my lips as a stray tear rolls down my cheek. I shake my head, wiping away the tear and walk toward my tv and turning it on along with my playstation.

By the time I look away from the tv it's already 05:40 and I mentally curse at myself. All that time and Kuroo didn't even text. I sigh, changing into my uniform, before grabbing my bag and walking out the door. Finally making it to the train station, I pull out my phone and start to play a game until I feel someone sit next to me. Without looking up I know it's the boy with bedhead whom I call my best friend. "Kenma, hey, I'm sorry I didn't text." He says and I shrug, keeping my attention on my phone. "Well.." He trails off and from the corner of my eye I see him bite his lip. "..do you wanna tell me now?" I shake my head visibly. "It's not important." I mumble, switching to another game on my phone. "Anything you have to tell me is important." I refrain from rolling my eyes. "You didn't seem to think so yesterday." This time I turn to look at him and he opens his mouth, but closes it again.

He squints his eyes, moving closer making me move back, blushing. "You didn't sleep, did you?" He leans back and I avert my eyes back to my phone. "So what if I didn't?" I hear him sigh. "It's not good for you.." I don't stop myself from rolling my eyes and continue to silently play the game on my phone.


I excuse myself from class and walk quietly to the roof. When I get there, no one's there so I walk across it and sit by the fence.

I look up at the sun shining brightly, squinting my eyes. Suddenly my view is blocked and there stands about 3 guys looking down at me.

"Well if it isn't little Kenma." One says in a mocking tone. "Looks like your boyfriend isn't here to save the day." I clench my jaw at that, glaring at them. "Oyaoya, did we strike a nerve?" (aHa pretend kuroo and bokuto arent the only ones who say that). I clench my jaw harder at it's familiarity. Suddenly a hand is at my stomach, making me hunch over and gasp. "How pathetic." I hear one say before he kicks the side of my head, causing my hearing to go fuzzy. I look up at them, watching their mouths move, but hear nothing. Another kick to the face, then one at my stomach. I cough and look down to see blood in front of me before tears start to blur my vision. One leans down, lifts my head with his hand before pulling the other back and contacting his fist with my face.

What did I do to deserve this? A stomp on my lower back, cracking it painfully. Am I really this pathetic? Someone turns me onto my side before bringing their foot forcibly to my stomach. I cough up more blood before someone grabs my throat, lifting me up so I'm face level with them. Their mouth moves, forming words I can't hear. I feel something wet on my face, spit. Please finish what you've started. I silently beg, being fully aware if I were to be kicked in the face again I'd pass out due to blood loss and considering how much I've lost so far, I wouldn't wake up again.

Suddenly his hold on me loosens and I'm dropped to the ground. I look up weakly to see Kuroo's hands around the guy's neck, mouth moving angerly. He headbutt's the attacker, leaving him unconcious before he walks over to me. He kneels in front of me, grabbing my face with his hands, moving his mouth. I open my mouth, forming words and hopefully saying, "Kuroo, I can't hear you." I felt my neck vibrate as I spoke and seeing his face grow even more concerned lets me know I said it. He lifts me up bridle style before running to the door, down the stairs and out of the main doors. I feel myself slowly start to lose consiousness and close my eyes, happily letting it take me.

[One Week Later]

I open my eyes, squinting them when a bright light shines before me. I turn my head, noting I can hear again and see I'm in the hospital. I feel movement at the end of my bed and look down to see Kuroo sitting up and rubbing his eyes. He turns his head toward me with wide eyes and a bright smile. "Kenma!" He gets off his chair and comes closer, wrapping his arms around me. "I thought you were dead because they said you lost a lot of blood and that there was only a 10% chance you'd wake up, but you did and I'm so happy!!" He rambles on in my ear and my eyes widen.

10%? Tears start to well in my eyes. Did I really waste the perfect oppurtunity? I frown. THERE WAS A 10% CHANCE AND I STILL WOKE UP??? "They were gonna take you off of life support today, Kenma, I'm so happy you woke up!" I will never get another oppurtunity like this again. He finally pulls back and smiles softly. "You don't look so happy about it." I stay quiet, averting my eyes. "10% huh?" He says and sighs. "The Gods must be against you." I see him look down and hear him sigh again before sniffling.

"Do you really wanna go that badly?" He asks and I nod subtly. He clenches his jaw, taking in a shaky breath, letting a tear roll down his face. "If that's what you want, best friend.." He says quietly before standing and making his way to the other side of the bed where the life support is plugged in. "I love you, Kenma." He says, biting his lip as more tears fall. "Please don't cry, I love you so much, Kuroo." He leans down and places his lips on mine. My first kiss. My last kiss. The sweetest kiss. He pulls back, smiling painfully. "Thank you, Kuroo." I whisper and he nods before switching off the life support. "You're welcome, Kenma." Is the last thing I hear before closing my eyes, finally at peace.

Third pov

Kuroo watches as Kenma closes his eyes, a smile on his face. Kuroo turns and walks out to the reception. "Check room 281." He says, tears streaming down his face as he continues walking. Rapid footsteps are heard as they head to Kenma's room to find him dead. Kuroo makes his way out of the hospital with a heavy heart. He looks up as it starts to rain. The forecast didn't say it'd rain.. He just shrugs, walking wherever.

He ends up at an intersection. He looks to his left to see a car speeding to miss the red light. He takes a deep breath, stepping out into the street. The car's breaks squeal as they try to swerve past the suicidal teenager, but they're going too fast and hit him head on. Kuroo smiles as he breathes heavily, the world fading out.

Kenma Kozume
October 7, 2018
Time of death: 19:32

Tetsurou Kuroo
October 7, 2018
Time of death: 19:53

The End

a/n hey so ik 'Take Me Away' isn't a sad song, but to me with the chorus it seems like it and it kinda works bc 'K'. anyway, hope you enjoyed even if you cried.


I Don't Wanna Be Here {Kuroken Oneshot}Where stories live. Discover now