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I can hear every detail in this room, all the sounds, my own spit gulping down my throat.

"Mr. Smith, I respect anything you have to say right now." I say frantically.

The men sitting near him are staring at me with the most scary stare, like my fathers even.

"We would like to offer you a spot here." I swear I can feel my confidence fly through the roof.

"I need you to be taking specific classes as electives so, we're swapping the ones you take now out for requirements if you're going to be working for us. You're going to start off with reading manuscripts for me as I said the last time we spoke then you'll also be finding authors and writers who are well worthy of this company. As soon as you send me another writing you may begin working. Don't disappoint me, don't hold back either because your place can get replaced in a clap of my hands. We have your files here from your high school classes and more to make sure you have fulfilled enough to be here. If not I'm sure we can find another way for you to be involved here either way." Mr. Smith is now plastered me with so much great information.

"Mr. Smith I promise not to let you down. I am so grateful you are doing this for me. You don't understand how happy I heard you say all of that to me!" I genuinely exclaim.

"Don't thank me, thank Harry. He was the one who showed me your writings after all." He says ruminating into my files, Harry has another pretty smile set with approval on his face.

"We plan to have you take rhetoric writing and professional writing. I notice you took journalism which is amazing." The man at the end of the table speaks.

"Which you might need." The other says.

"That is perfectly fine, whatever you guys need." I pronounce with joy.

"Shall we talk pay?" Mr. Smith suggests.

"Yes Gerald." Harry follows with an attitude.

"I think we can do forty an hour and you can work at home here and there, only when I say it is fine. I know it isn't a lot of money but you're only beginning here. It'll increase in time." He shrugs leaning back, opening a packet.

Forty an hour? Wow, that is very much more than what I had earn in my previous jobs.

"What do you mean it isn't a lot? That is plenty." Honestly, it took my breath away. Thinking all my dreams are coming true.

"Fantastic, well I'm off now. I have multiple conferences to go to, I'll see you soon Olivia. Come in as soon as you have your writing ready and I'll show you your new office." He exits the room and the men were still going into the files.

Office? Not a booth like the rest, what is happening right now? Really, I can't believe any of this, this is exactly what I wanted when I left. This is a sign... a huge one.

"You can leave." The middle man finally spoke. Harry wraps his arm around my shoulder and we leave the room. I couldn't hold my excitement so I decide to squeal between Harry and I. Harry chuckles and pulls me to the door to leave the building. As soon as we leave outside I hug him and start to laugh. I haven't felt this happiness in so long, I finally made it. All because of Harry.

"Thank you." That's all I can really say, I repeat a couple times to get my point across to him.

He breaks our embrace and takes a hand full of my face into both his hands. He lightly squishes it and then suddenly kisses me. When our lips first touched I felt an electric shock run through my body. Something I haven't felt ever.

He stopped me, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't had done that, too far."

"What?" I creak, I can be holding another spot that he does with all the other girls.

"Let me take you back to your dorm. What I just did isn't fair for you. I don't want to hurt you." He spoke wisely.

"I don't understand you Harry. You flirt with me, get touchy feely, help me with stuff like this? Why are you playing games with me?" Tears trimming down my face with a frustrated voice.

"Playing games? I helped you because you are an amazing writer and powerful at it as well. I do all of that convincing and you are mad that I don't want to kiss you? That's pathetic. I clearly exclaimed I didn't want to hurt you. What else is left to be said about it?" Harry spat.

"I'm pathetic? That's rich coming from you! Harry, trust me I am thankful for you and your company, sure. But one thing I am not appreciative for is your mind games and actions! It's so hard getting over someone who has passed away and left me forever, now that you come along and play my role as a 'savior' then you shouldn't have acted like that from the jump!" I shout.

"You're kidding me right? You want to talk about how you lost someone? I lost someone too, don't play the victim you aren't the only one going through hard times! Some shit went down that ruined my life. I usually don't think of others before myself. Never! When I finally do the universe is showing me not to again." Harry grabbed my hand tugging me to his car. I try to snatch it back.

"Harry, let go." I demand angrily.

He doesn't respond and continues to take me to his car, keeping my calm he sits me inside the car. Why is it like this? He acts like I can't deal with anything myself, I can help him. I'll care for him, he always wants to argue for no reason at all. Harry kisses me, he wants my affection. He said himself he wants me. He's afraid, he's bi polar about it.

"I don't want to hurt you." He whines.

"You won't." I whisper to myself.

"I will." Harry sighs.

My phone starts to vibrate in the moment and I pick it up to see who it may be. Liam.

"Hey Liam!" I pretend to excitingly say. Harry takes my phone nicely and puts it on speaker. I glare to him and set the phone in the cup holder.

"So what's up?" I continue to ask.

"I wanted to know where you are! I'm at your dorm with Louis and Mia. Where are you? Dinner tonight!" Liam curiously wonders.

"She's with me." Harry's voice booms.

"Harry." I lowly say, slapping him on his arm.

"Oh right." Liam blankly states from the other side of the phone along with a few chuckles and giggles I expect from Mia and Lou.

"Yeah we were at work." I answer to his upset comment.

"Whatever, I'll see you when you get here yeah?" Just as I was going to respond he hangs up the phone.

"Back to my dorm." I request Harry to drive me to.

"Only if I can come." Harry laughs.

"I don't have a problem with that." I shoot out.

His eyebrows raise with his iconic smirk. I don't know what it is with Harry, he makes me feel so alive? He gives me this kind of energy that I haven't felt before. Not with Marcus, this energy is like the universe filling me with positivity. Giving me that strength even though he might make me upset and mad from all the stupid things he can do. It's the things he says and the kisses.

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