Genocide chara! Ash x pacifist chara! Jay

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Adi-chan was showing everyone her ship shrines

So when she got to her Jay x ash shirne Jay and ash blushed at the sight of it
Then Jay shouted
"HO W CAN I E V ER LOVE THIS MO N STER" as ash just secretly blushed
~few weeks later~
Adigail set everyone free but the only way to save her friends that went everywhere with her as well as flowey she has to give them her soul she split it up adi-chan was crying pastel purple tears "IF YOU HAVE TO DIE JUST TO LET ME A LITTLE ANNOYING KID LIVE IT'S NOT WORTH IT!!" adi-chan shouts anger and sadness in her voice "keep you're soul and let them live.......I'll be fine" she said as she fly's away
Adigail she did
She broke her soul into four parts and she kept the rest they all where happy as Jay and ash got they're memories back making them remember they where a couple at one time and then ash kissed Jay but they where all able to still see adi-chan she was back in the underground crying when they came back for her she made them leave again but then ask and Jay kissed again adi-chan then disspears
And everyone but ash and Jay forgot
And the two lived as happy as they could be
The end
(this is awful sorry)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2018 ⏰

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