3:He's Back

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 3 years later they are 16 and still friends. He saved her from her foster home and got her put in another home. It wasn't bad. At least it wasn't abusive, but she still had to make money off her music. She'd play forever just to get enough money to pay for food. Well, that was until she meet Uncle Joe, Aunty Kava and their kids Mana, Sifa, Anu, Tamaili, and Kahuena. They are Faith's second family, Hanai family if you will. I'll go into more detail later.

One day Faith was at the park. That was her usual playing area. She'd sit there playing music. Sometimes not even for money. Music set her free from her miserable life she's living. She was playing her ukulele to a very nice Hawaiian song called "Aloha oe" She holds this song close to her heart because it is a Hawaiian song meant for not only goodbyes, but, see you laters. Like many things, her father taught her this song. They sang before he was stationed in Iraq. She also sang this song for her fathers and mothers funeral. Now she sings it for Max every time he leaves on a business trip with his dad. So at the park she's playing, earning money and she tends to zone out when she does this. Then when she comes back to reality she sees a handsome young man standing in front of her. At first she can't see who it is because the sun in shining in her direction. So bright it makes a shadow of the man standing in front of her.

He says to Faith with a familiar voice, "What fine playing beautiful lady." And as he says that the sun sets and the lamp post behind faith turns bright revealing the mysterious man.

Without hesitation she jumps up with joy and tackles the mysterious man. She says joyfully, "Maxy! You're finally back." She says this as she's hugging and strangling him at the same time. She is both happy he's back but upset that he took so long. She says as her hug gets tighter, " You know I'm mad right."

He says while gasping for air, "Yes- Yes I can tell you're mad." He tries to tap out thinking it'll affect her but it only made her grip tighter. He then passes out after a few seconds. Then Faith notices he passed out, and starts panicking. She is now standing up with his phone and she starts to dial 911. She looks at Max as she hears the dial tone and then looks away. She looks back as the dispatcher answers her and he's gone. She turns around and as she's about to say something to the dispatcher Max says, "Gotcha!" and like she did, he tackled her. She yelps in surprise and once again they are on the floor, but this time they were laughing instead of someone trying to choke the other out.

While out of breath from too much laughter Faith says, "What... What took you... So long?"

He says mockingly, "If I tell you, will you not choke me out... or at least try?" He says with a small yet noticeable smirk.

She says with a sweet voice as she intertwines her hand with his while they sit up, "I know you're strong..." she says drawing circles on his hand. She continues and says, "... But I'm stronger!" And after she said this with the twist of her arm she had him pinned to the floor. "Admit it. I could choke you out just as easily as it is to pin you down." At first he says nothing. He tries to break free and severely struggles. She says in a cocky voice, "I could stay here all day."

After what felt like a long stare into each others eyes he finally says, "Fine. I admit it. You were right."

Faith says satisfyingly, "Thank You, now, spill. What happened on your trip?" she says still pinning him down.

He says, "Nothing happened. It was the same old boring business trip with my dad."

Faith says, "Yeah, no. I don't buy that crap. Plus your voice goes high when you're hiding something so spill."
He says, "I'll tell you, but only when you get off of me." He says this trying to negotiate with her.

Faith says, "You're in no position to negotiate. Tell me now or I'm not getting off."

They again go for another long stare and finally he says, "Fine." He pauses for a moment. "When I was away I met someone and she's wonderful, pretty, smart, pretty and smart, she actually looks a lot like you and-"

Before he could finish that a girl with a familiar voice says, "-And she's here and his girlfriend."

Max puts his hands up thinking Faith is gonna punch him, but he gets a completely unexpected reaction. Faith still on top of him hugs him and whispers in his ear, "She's one lucky girl." Her warm breath sends chills down his spine.

The girl than says, "Can you please get off my boyfriend little missy?" She says this with an irritated voice.

Faith stands up without turning around and says to the girl, "Excuse me. My name is not Missy, my name is-" As she said this she turns around and ends up seeing a familiar face.

The girl finishes Her sentence by saying, "Faith?!" She says this in shock, surprise, happiness, all of the above.

Faith says in the same way, "Rose?!"

Sisters in Faith, not in BloodDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora