A Letter For You

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You would think being famous would be such an achievement that it would change your life forever, although it can happen its also just your own downfall. I'm Mike Auro and the music industry change, and in some ways, destroyed my whole public image and my reputation as a whole. As heartbreaking and heart-wrenching as this public letter may seem, it won't work to my advantage. I won't find the solemn peace I so hopelessly need. The tabloids will just keep scrutinizing me and i would have to keep fighting it. So I ask you people to hear my story and have my back through this dark times of massive tribulations. I need all the support I can get because quite frankly, I'm all alone. It's me against the world. Depression really sets in at this times. I don't have a word in this world anymore. No family or close friends to guide me. Hell, they are suffering as much as I do. It's not fair at all, how people who hides behind keyboards can have all the power and the say of the world while we just try scattering around and dodge the publicity of it. It is with a grieving sadness that i have to write you my own story, so you can take a trip in my life and for you to answer this very question. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2018 ⏰

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