Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I was in my car following the ambulance towards the hospital as tears blurred my vision. I should have not been so harsh with her and listened to her story. But I clearly saw her kissing that... him. Kissing Harry. When the ambulance had left I caught a glimpse of Harry's face, whoo hoo man someone sure slapped him a good one.

                                                                *Still in Louis's POV*

 Tears were still flowing freely down my face as I pulled into the E.R. I raced out of my car gabbing my keys and locking it and racing towards the doors. I slid to a stop in front of the desk. "How may I help you Sir?" "Um... Jade Thurwall." "Oh yes Room 301." "Thank you so much." She nodded and went back to her computer. I raced down the hallway. 298, 299, 300, 301, oh there it is 301. I am into the room and almost collapsed on the floor when I saw her hooked up on to a bunch of tubes. I saw the doctor standing over her messing with the tube. I cleared my throat. "Um, Sir way I ask what is wrong with her?" He looked at me with sad eyes. "Yes, um, when she fell down she hit her head in the corner of the desk or something giving her a concussion, along with a broken arm. It was broken in 3 different places." I gasped and raced over to Jade's bedside. I started to cry again. Stupid tear ducts. "Jade, please, wake up, I'm going to be here until you wake up." I heard the doctor leave the room. "Jade, I don't know if you can hear me or not but, ever since the day that I first saw you I have liked you. And the past few days we have been together it has only grown stronger. Jade, I love you."

                                                                4 Months later

I have only been out of this room about only 2 times to go home and take a shower. I was sitting beside her bed like I have been for the past 4 months with no sign of her waking up anytime soon. I was currently on my phone updating my twitter and Facebook about Jade's current health, when I felt Jade move. I looked up from my phone and saw her eyes lowly open and her mouth turn up in a grin. "Jade." I breathed. She looked at me and closed her eyes again but opened then back and said the words that made my heart stop beating. "Lou, I love you to." My mouth was in a grin that reached my ears. "Water please." I nodded. I press the red nurse button. "How may I help you?" "Yes um, Jade thurwal in room 301 has woe up and wants some water." "Ok we will be there in a few." I turned back to Jade. I was about to say something when the door flew open and 4 doctors ran in. I smiled and went back onto my phone. And updated Facebook and Twitter saying that Jade has woken up.  I turned back to Jade and saw a doctor looking at me. "Sir, Jade is a very lucky woman to have a boyfriend like you." "She's not my." "Yes I am very lucky." I heard Jade reply. I smiled as the doctors left. "So I'm your boyfriend now huh?" "Yes you are. But only if it is ok with you Mr. Tomlinson." I smiled again. "Yes it is completely ok with me Ms. Thurwall." She flinched as she moved her casted arm. "I love you Jade. I always have." "Me too Lou, me too."

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