Chapter 5

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A//N: good news I got my Instagram working! feel free to dm me your ideas on there it's @darkblxoom if I continue this story and bring in some characters in, I will post what they look like on there, and info on them so you get a better idea of them without me having to go into detail on them. ALSO if you want something to happen and the story dm me like I already said, there's no such thing as a bad idea.. unless its irrelevant XD. anyways here's chapter 5  

Emily's POV

I wonder what Alison is doing, I'm starting to really like her. I don't know much but I want to know everything I can about her, she's just so intriguing. Is it her gorgeous blonde locks that she plays with when she's nervous, is it her ocean eyes I could get lost in, or is it my heart playing with me? I just need a sign from her showing that she's interested in me, I mean it's obvious that she wants to be my friend, but what about more than a friend? 

I've been staring at my phone ever since I got to my house, thinking if I should text her and ask if she possibly wants to go out for coffee. Maybe I should start off with a simple 'hey' so I don't seem desperate, because despite the fact that I like her I don't want to make it seem too obvious and freak over her and scare her away. I could just be over thinking it, she'll just think of it as two friends going and grabbing coffee together.

1:30 pm (13:30)

Emily: Hey its Emily, I was wondering if you would want to go grab a coffee and hang for a bit?

Alison: :( I'm actually a big fan of coffee, but I wouldn't mind hanging out at the brew and eating lunch

Emily: oh okay that's fine too, I'll see you in 30?

Alison: yeah :) see you soon

Alison's POV

I wouldn't admit this to Emily or really anyone, but as soon as I heard my phone ding my heart sped up and a huge smile took over my face. I think I'm falling for her which is really new because I've never fallen for someone in less than 24 hours, I feel like I've known her forever even though I don't know much about her. She listens, she's stunning like god damn, and she's caring. In my whole life no one has been this kind to me, and usually, if they try they want something from me, and when I turned them away it was back to not really caring for me. Even though Spencer and Aria were my best friends they went the greatest, I love them but come on they barely call or ask to hang.

I looked at the time and seen I had 25 minutes before Emily would be here, I quickly fixed up my hair and wore it down as my curls bounced for a few seconds, threw on some black leggings and a white tee and denim jacket with ugg boots. I put on a little mascara and lipgloss, brush my teeth and chew some mint gum to make my breath smell better. By the time I looked at the clock she would be here in 10 minutes, I put on some perfume and charged my phone while waiting.

Emily's POV

Before I left my house to go get the blonde, I put on some jeans that were a little snug on my butt that made it pop out a little more, and a pastel yellow long-sleeved shirt and white sneakers. I put my hair in a messy bun, then I jogged to my car and drove to Alison's.

I got out of my car and took a deep breath and walked up to Alison's door and knocked. Not gonna lie I'm really nervous, I tried to shake off the feeling as soon as I heard footsteps getting closer to the door.

Alison's POV

I opened the door to see a tall brunette at it, I smiled when seeing her. She looked absolutely amazing, I thought she couldn't look any better but she proved me wrong. I looked at her and saw her eyeing my outfit, or at least that what I thought it could just be my imagination wanting her to check me out. 

"You look good," Emily said. "I could say the same about you," I said still smiling. She held out her hand, "Shall we go," Emily said. I nodded and took her hand and followed her to her car, she opened the door for me and shut it as I got in. She is so generous, but I'm getting a vibe that she's not into me, just look at her. The hottest girls are always stunning, what guys wouldn't want to date her, she could have a boyfriend but she didn't mention anything about one.

A/N: sorry for leaving you guys like this, it's late but hopefully, I'll be able to get another chapter in later. Also if you want to see their outfits and more go onto my Instagram @darkblxoom and see for yourself.

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