Chapter Two

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Freak slowly came to, finding himself naked in a dank cellar. That didn't really matter to him though, he was used to being in dirty places, bound on the ground without clothes. It was the fact that he couldn't remember how he got there that made the back of his neck break out in a cold sweat. His green eyes darted around as he tried to sit up, only for the boy to gasp in pain. His stomach and ass were on fire, and he knew what that felt like too. Freak shuddered as he fought through the pain and managed to lift himself up, quickly bringing his legs up so he could rest his forehead on them. Taking deep breathes, the boy tried to soothe the churning in his gut as he listened for any signs of people or animals.
There was a soft scurrying in the far corners of the room, but no other humans. Freak strained both his eyes and his ears to discern anything, but all he saw were the chains attached to his ankles and rope around his wrists.
Narrowing his eyes in concentration, Freak worked on undoing the knot in the bindings on his wrists, and merely minutes last before he had them free. One didn't simply live with slave traders and not learn to free oneself- especially not in the sex industry. A small smirk appeared on the young boy's face as the chains fell off with a clank. Unknown to him, if he hadn't been magical, those cuffs would have never come off, no matter his skill.
But Freak did not know this, and thus gave himself a second to relax before he suddenly lurched forward and heaved, spewing forth any edible and acidic substance still residing in his stomach.
A few minutes later, Freak promptly dropped his head next to his own vomit, ignoring the acrid smell for now. He was dead tired, and sore to boot. Groaning silently, Freak rolled over onto his back at the pain in his stomach. Gently rubbing the area, the boy's breaths slowly started to subside as he relaxed. All the pain diminished slightly when he was on his back, and he smiled at the warmth that filled his body. And that is how our little protagonist fell asleep, just missing the slight vibration his hand was met with.


Sebastian smirked at the frustration he could easily read in his enemy's eyes. His prey had escaped, and Baal didn't like it one bit. A demon's prey never escaped, and to be unable to finish one's hunt was one of the worst embarrassments to his kind.
"Where could they have disappeared to? The scent simply stops right here, in this room." There was no need to mention the other scents of sex and death, as every living being had been slaughtered after the explosion.
Malphas simply watched as the demon prince's brow furrowed ever so lightly as he searched through the scents of the room. There was no wonder this demon was only a prince, and not a great like himself. If it took him so long to break down simple human scents then he would never go up in rank.
Baal hummed lightly a few moments later, alerting Malphas of the demon's final understanding. "This magic..." Malphas made no comment when the demon took a deep whiff, as the scent was truly delectable, but, unfortunately, it was not his meal. Another rule was that one never interfered with another demon's hunt- unless necessary, of course.
Suddenly, the bespectacled demon once known as Claude vanished, leaving behind a small pieces of thread to drift to the floor. Malphas shook his head lightly in exasperation before following his new entertainment.


"How unfortunate." Baal stood silently, unseen, on the corner of a building's rooftop as he spied a wizard trying to slip into a decrepit pub sneakily, somehow going unnoticed by the regular humans walking around him. There was no mistaking, as it was one of the wizards to kidnap his prey, but he could not follow the unknown, as demons could not enter the Wizarding district without permission or accompaniment of a magical being. There were, of course, ways around those wards, but Baal simply couldn't be bothered to deal with such annoying humans so soon after his escape from Hell. He would simply have to wait.
"Standing by, then?" The bespectacled demon merely stood there, but that was enough affirmation for the crimson eyed demon. He tched lightly at his companion before molding into his raven form to fly down to a perch near the entrance of the 'secret' Wizarding alley. If one wanted anything done, they could not just sit around and wait for it to sort itself out. Calculated actions needed to be taken, and unknown variables annihilated.


A few hours after the two demon's took their positions, a perfect opportunity was presented. A drunken wizard had stumbled out of the pub and was flourishing his wand obnoxiously, not paying any mind to the spider and raven watching his moves closely. The man sloppily tapped the required pattern with his wand and tottered through the gateway without fanfare, disapparating as soon as he stepped foot inside the masking wards.
Both demons shook their heads in disappointment and disgust as they slid through the barriers unnoticed, infiltrating the Wizarding World with ease. It was now simply a matter of time before the group of kidnappers would be found, caught, and killed.

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