Finding the Perfect Job

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Rose stumbled sleepily out of her room into the kitchen past her room mate Rey whom sat at the table, "I already made you coffee."
"Oh that was sweet of you, what has you up so early?" Rose asked, they had been room mates for a week and from what Rose could tell Rey was a 'Wake up 10 minutes before class and run in her pajamas that happen to be work out clothes' type of girl.
"Puting together my resume, I got responces to my emails for references back home," Rey explained.
"That reminds me, I mentioned to my boyfriend that you were looking for a job and he has a friend that is looking for a secretary," Rose smiled, "I have his number in my room, you can call him now!"
"Why would he want a call about an open position at 5 in the morning?"
"He owns a gym that is open from 5 to 5, so whatever your hours are you would be done by the time your classes start, 6 to 10 every evening right?" Rose handed Rey a slip of paper before checking Rey's class schedule on the fridge.
"You know what they say about something being too good to be true," Rey started as she put the number into her phone.
"You moved across the ocean on a scholarship, you have the best luck in the world, why wouldn't the perfect job fall into your lap?" Rose asked.
"Good point," Rey pressed call and walked into her bedroom while it was ringing.
"This is Poe."
"Hello, my name is Rey and I was calling about the secretary position?" Rey twisted her hair nervously.
"You're Rose's room mate right?"
"That would be me!" Rey smiled.
"Could you come in for an interview in 2 hours?"
"Oh, wouldn't you like to look over my resume first?" Rey asked.
"I've heard great things about you but if you could bring in a copy for me to glance at that would be great!"
"Absolutely," Rey nodded, she couldn't believe she had been job hunting for 8 hours and already got an interview.
"If you could bring your passport and social information as well that would be great."
"Okay, I will see you then," Rey couldn't believe it, when someone asks that for an interview it means they already plan on hiring you.
"I look forward to meeting you, bye."
"Rose!" Rey ran out of the room to tell her the news.

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