We went killing and meet someone new.

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TheBloodlyPainter:Time to wake up JudgeAngel. We have to go.*goes downstairs*and*goes outside*.

JudgeAngel:*goes downstairs*and*goes outside*.

TheBloodlyPainter:JudgeAngel look over their.*points to the house that is like ten blocks away*and*starts walking to the house*.

JudgeAngel:*following him*.

TheBloodlyPainter:*arrives at the house*and*sneaking in by the window*.

JudgeAngel:*arrives at the house*and sneaking in the house*.

TheBloodlyPainter:*wimpers*I will kill the parents and you kill the children.

JudgeAngel:*wimpers*Okay.*walks to the children room*and*takes out my sword*.

TheBloodlyPainter:*walks to the parents room*and*takes out my knife*.

JudgeAngel:*killing the children*.

TheBloodlyPainter:*killing the parents*and*jarring their blood*.I got fifty jars of blood that is small.I put the blood in my bag.*putting away the blood in my bag*.

JudgeAngel:*jarring the childrens blood*.I got seventy jars of blood that is small. *puts the blood in my bag*.

JanneMarieKills:*looks at TheBloodlyPainter and JudgeAngel*.You guys are coming with me somewhere.

TheBloodlyPainter:Janne where have you been? I been looking for you.

JudgeAngel:Who is that girl? Why is she here?

TheBloodlyPainter:She is a old friend of my.Since she went to training school we haven't talk for awhile.

JanneMarieKills:I learn at training to run very fast, to jump from tree to tree, changing my looks, learning to use every weapon.

TheBloodlyPainter:Cool.That sounds awesome.


JanneMarieKills:Lets go to my place. We are going to be their by morning.



JanneMarieKills:*starts walking very fast*.Lets go now.

JudgeAngel:*starts to follow her*.

TheBloodlyPainter:*starts to follow her*.

This is end of part two.Their will be more parts. I hope you enjoy this story. This is a story about me and JudgeAngelGirl.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2014 ⏰

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