True Feelings Chapter 8

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For the past few days, you and Blaze were able to sneak out of the Light Kingdom and visit Shadow and his friends but this time, Blaze decided to stay at the Light Kingdom for now since she doesn't want to get in trouble.

You arrived at the Dark Kingdom and saw Shadow standing there waiting for you. Shadow smiled a little and walked towards you.


"Hi Shadow."

"You sure like coming here huh?"

"Of course. Your Kingdom is amazing and I love spending time with you guys."

"Follow me. I have something to show you." You began to follow Shadow into the gardens. When you arrived, you saw fireflies flying around the gardens. You were amazed on how beautiful it looked.

"What are they?" Y/N asked.

"Fire flies."

"They're amazing."

"Yeah. Come sit down. My father is about to give the Moon its energy."

"Ok." You sat down next to Shadow and looked up at the sky. Soon, the Moon began to glow brighter than ever. You were shocked from its beauty as you continued to look at it.

"Whoa!" Shadow smiled as he watched as well. Soon,  the Moon stopped glowing as Y/N looked at Shadow.

"That was amazing!"

"Yeah... Hey Y/N?"


"These past few days... have changed me. At first I thought you were an enemy but...You're different. In a good way. You changed my heart and I believe in you. Your kindness showed me how wrong I was about you and your Kingdom." Shadow grabbed your hand gently. You looked into his eyes with a blush.

"I've never had this feeling before for anyone until I met you. You are very special to me. I...I love you." Y/N was shocked. You didn't say anything which made Shadow nervous.

"It's fine if you don't feel the same." Suddenly, Shadow got a hug from you.

"I love you too! " Shadow was shocked.


"Yeah. I do. " Shadow smiled and hugged you again.

You both looked into each others eyes as you leaned in towards him. Your lips touched his as you both began to make out for a while.

Shadow wrapped his arms around your waist as you wrapped your arms around his neck. You held each other close as you continued to kiss.

Shadow slowly pulled away and smiled at you as you smiled back. You both gave each other one more kiss as you start to snuggle him. What they didn't know is that someone was watching them.

Here's a sneak peek for the next Chapter:

Blaze: She... Uh...
Y/N: Shadow!
D/N: Guards!

What's gonna happen next? Find out soon on Chapter 9. Have a good day. Author out ❤️❤️❤️

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