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jeon jungkook

a single tear slipped down his cheek.

upon hearing your scream, he sprinted back to you but you were in a pain that was caused because of him, so he watched from afar.

he peeked over at you from the corner of the hallway. his eyes watched as your friends fail in attempt to calm you. then he saw your eyes roll and you went completely limp.

only the sight of your your chest heaving reassured him you were alive.

more tears cascaded from his eyes, blurry his vision. he was grateful he couldn't see you anymore.

"im sorry,"

his voice was soft and filled with pain and regret that he didn't deserve to have in the first place. yet, he was convinced everything was of his fault. the weight on his shoulders burdened him.

your friendly face was more than welcoming but he tried to show restraint because of the past.

park chaeyoung

with your iphone x gripped firmly in your hand, you stared longingly at the blank, black screen. you hoped that the playful tune of your ringtone would play so that you could speak to the person that you wanted to talk to most right at this moment.

but it stayed blank like it had been for the past hour, also known as the most depressing hour of your life.

you let out a nasty sob, followed with a loud sniffle. the back of your hand was pressed against your mouth to suppress the cries from your friends, who were outside the door.

news spread quickly that you were in the hospital, just like it did with any idol. your phone had been pinging with notifications of your followers tagging you and commenting on your latest point.

it bothered you to the point you deleted the whole app. though fans were only trying to be sweet and supportive, you found it slightly irritating.

you but on your lip harshly, eyes squinting to free the tears. "eomma," you whined

"why didn't you just tell me the truth," you cried, "it would have been so much easier for the both of us."

hoping that she would call you first, you kept your phone close to you at all times. but she never did.

lisa had already told her about the situation and your friends kept their distance for you to heal. still, all you wanted was for your mom to come and explain everything in her own words.

then there was jungkook. did he know all this time and pretend to be a stranger? it sure seemed like it. was everyone in the plan to keep it a secret from you?

your painful words to him burned in your brain. you knew he didn't deserve it but you were to emotional to realize what you had said. your stomach was rolling with guilt thinking about jungkook accepting it was fault.

an then there was your dad. appa.

how could he do such a thing? how could just leave you and never visit? never call or check up on his only daughter?

maybe he did visit and you just didnt recognize him, you thought.

that thought sent you through a rollercoaster of emotions. sadness because he was your father and you wouldn't have recognized him. yet you felt relief that you had forgotten about that bastard of a father.

the ringing of your phone nearly caused you to jump off your bed. you broke from your train of thoughts and glanced at the lit up screen.

it was a random number.

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