Loki || If Only (Pt 2)

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As the jet was approaching, a loud boom rang through the air. You watch as Loki intently stares out the window. 

"What's the matter? Scared of a little lightning?" Steve looks out the same window as Loki.

"I'm not overly fond of what follows." he looks back out the window and you do the same, but just as you do the ramp is ripped open, and a muscular, tall, blonde man barges through.

He stomps towards Loki and reached from him, but you stand up in front of him. 

"Thor, God of Thunder, stand down."

Thor stops for a second, "Get out of my way, so I can take my brother and find the Tesseract." he growls.

"I believe we have it under control, so why don't you take a seat, and you can help us from the main jet."

Thor looks from you, to Loki, then to Tony and Steve, ready in a fighting stance. "Fine, but we are finding it as soon as possible when we get there."

"Deal," you nod and take your seat back next to Loki.

"How did you-" Loki looks at you confused. 

"I did a little research."

He nods in astonishment, and then realizes you were pulling into the helicarrier. 


You were working in the lab with Bruce and Tony when you saw a group of men walk by with Loki, completely restrained. What really confused you was why he just didn't break out so easily, when you knew he could. As he walked by, you noticed that he gave a small smile and winked, throwing you off guard completely. 

"Y/n, gloves. Kid, gloves. Y/n-ow, ow!" Tony pulled back his hand from the part of his suit he was working on and started shaking it. "Y/n!"

Tony pulls you out of your trance and you turn around to see what happened, "Oh yeah, sorry." you grab the gloves from the table beside you and hand them to him.

"Thanks," he blows on his hand, then slips the gloves on over it. 

"I'm going to go ahead and check on Loki and the other guys, you know to see if they need any help."

Tony nods as you walk out and straight to where they were keeping him, which wasn't hard to find by the loud voices coming from there. 

"Well you let me know if Real Power wants a magazine or something." you hear Nick Fury state as he walks out of the room, and you watch Loki smile evilly into the camera. 

You slowly walk out of your hiding spot, softly walking down the stairs and behind Loki. 

"Nice to see you again," he turns around on his heels and walks towards the edge of the glass. On your watch, you click a button and listen for the buzz from the cameras to stop. 

"What do you want, Loki? You can't just come strutting in, being restrained and not breaking loose so easily. I know you have a purpose on this ship and I'm going to find out what it is."

"Ah, but you see, I would love to tell you, but I'm afraid you might tell your father."

"Where's the Tesseract?" you cross your arms and watch as he scans you up and down for a second. 

"I have no clue, but can we talk about how stunning you look in that outfit." he smirks and starts to pace in front of the glass.

Being a habit, you cross your arms over your stomach and look down. "No, I want to know why you're on the helicarrier."

"Why did you do that?" his brows furrow.

"Do what?"

"Cover yourself, don't you know you have nothing to be ashamed of? I thought we established that you were confident in yourself about everything."

"Loki that's not why I'm here-"

"We have different ways of having conversations with people and I want to do my way, so tell me, why did you do it?"

"If I tell you and talk to you like a friend, will you tell me what I want to know?" you raise your eyebrows and Loki stares at you intently.

"I will tell you anything, dearest." he smiles, "So go ahead."

You look down and move your arms, "It's simply a habit."

"It's more than a habit."

"Stop going into my head," you glare at him a bit before continuing, "I've had a bad history, ok?"

"I believe you'll tell me eventually," he stops directly in front of you, "but before I tell you anything, what piece are you missing from your hand mechanism?" 


"Yes you were muttering to yourself about it on the jet."

"I need this wire, that's really thick and made of copper, it's called a velocity wire."

"I'll see what I can do."

"What?" you were confused as to what he was offering.

"I'll find one for you, I know your father doesn't have one and it shall be a while until you go back to your lab at home." 

"Thanks...I guess, but now back to-"

"Y/n? What are you doing in here?" Coulson walked in the door, a panicked look on his face.

"I was coming to see who turned off the cameras, and then Loki started telling me about..." he looks at you with intense, but pleading eyes, "He was telling me about a suspicious person that ran in here, then out."

"And you trust him?" Coulson glared at Loki.

"I didn't say that, I just said he started talking about it."

"Well get out of here before Fury finds out." he points towards the door and ushers you out.


Two days after shutting down the cameras, Fury came to you. 

"Y/n?" he leaned against the door frame.

"Yes?" you rip off your fogged up goggles and put down the prototype, finally being able to finish it thanks to Loki. 

"I have an assignment for you." he walks in front of you. 

"And that is?"

"I want you to interrogate Loki. I saw how he's so willing to tell you anything, I want you to use that to your advantage to get us information." 

"You knew that I cut out the cameras?"

"Of course, if it wasn't Stark, then it could only be the mini version of him."

"Alright, back to the point, you want me to interrogate Loki, and get what information out of him?"

"Anything that can help us deactivate or find this Tesseract. So are you up for the challenge?" he raises his eyebrows. 

You nod, "I'll do it." 

"Great you'll start after Nat gets done with him." he starts to walk out.

"And when is that?"

"In about five minutes."

"I'll head down there just in case." you grab your stuff and walk past him.

"Have fun." he calls after you. 

"It'll be a blast."


Ok, so I was a day late...oops.


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