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"Truth or Dare,Yoongi" Namjoon asked,With a smirk.

'What's in your brain Joonie!' Yoongi thought,He knew Namjoon knows his dirty secrets,Well duh! He's Yoongi best friend,Yoongi takes a deep breath before picking one of the death choices...How did this all happen well,Let's replay~

A few hours earlier..

"Guys its finally the last day of school!" Hoseok said with a big smile on his face,As he was walking with his group of friends..

"Yeah..Summer break baby!" Namjoon screamed,Getting all the attention of people who are nearby,After a second of silent they hear a "YEAH!" and that made the boys burst out of laughter.."So what are we going to do?" Jungkook asked,Making all of his friends look at him,"Hmm,I don't care what we do" Yoongi says with no emotion,But suddenly he got all pink and soft when he saw,And beautiful angel,Who loves eating,Has a windshield laugh and loves making dad jokes..It was no other than...

"JIN!!" Jimin screamed and ran up to the boy,"Hey chimchim,Are u really that happy to see me?" Jin laughs and ruffles the younger boys blonde locks,And soon after that they all said hi to the boy who just returned from his trip.."Hey Yoongi" Jin says as he walks towards the younger,"Oh Hi Jin" Yoongi says and started blushing."Yoongi are you okay?" Jin asked worried,Why was he red as a tomato.."Hes fine Jin,What do u guys wanna do?" Namjoon asked and slung a arm around his best friend,"Dude you have to control your blush" he whispers to Yoongi..

After that little 'caught up' moment,They all went to Jin's house,"I'm hungry~" Jungkook whined as he let himself sink in the couch,"Yeah me too" Everyone said except Yoongi,He was sitting on the balcony,Listen to music - Which is Jin's lovely voice - He was in his own little world,Until someone sits next to him.."What ya doing Yoongs?" Namjoon asked.."Huh? Oh nothing" Yoongi takes out his earbutz and place them in his pocket,"Jin is making lunch,You should be inside" Namjoon stands up and left..

After eating Lunch,Jungkook suggested going camping,And all the boys agreed,They packed the same day,and went out in to the woods.

"Lets go to Gloss,It's a great camp" Jimin said and once again they all agreed,And went to Gloss.

So,Once they arrived,It was already dark,They brought beer with them so they thought a little campfire wouldn't be bad,Jin cooked once again,With the help of Jungkook - Making the sweet potato a part of the plate - After they were done cooking and eating they decided to play a game of truth or dare,Which leads to this current situation..

Present time...

"Truth or dare,Yoongi?" Namjoon asked with a smirk,While all the other boys are staring at him.

Yoongi takes a deep breath and answered.


"I dare you to tell Jin,How you feel" Namjoon crossed his arms and smirks once again,While Yoongi shot him a glare,'You motherfucker son of an angel!' Yoongi said in his mind,"Yoongi?" Jin says and made Yoongi snap back into reality,"Um..Jin,Can we talk in private?" Yoongi ask and Jin nods,They both stand up and was walking towards the house,"Don't be too rough,Yoongs!!" Namjoon screamed,"Fuck you Joon","You can't! You already have a partner!" Namjoon was laughing his ass off and Jin and Yoongi finally got in the house..

"So? What are your feelings Yoongi?" Jin asks as soon as they sat on the bed,Yoongi sighed and took a deep breath and said in one breath."ILoveYouJin","What? I didn't quite catch that",Yoongi takes a deep breath once again and said it,But this time Jin can understand it..

"I love you Jin" Yoongi started blushing and was embarrassed,But what Jin said suprised him..

"Its about time you confessed baby,And u let a game do that?" Jin was still siting on the bed,Looking hot as hell,But he changed..."W-What?" Yoongi said making eye contact with not the motherly Jin.."Come here baby" Jin said and pats his lap,Yoongi hesitated a bit,But did as he was told.Yoongi went and sit in Jin's lap.."Baby,I knew you love me,And I Love you too,And u made me wait so long to hear those words baby,U need to be punished" Jin made Yoongi look at him,Legs wrapped around his waist.

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