Scary-ness. (Duncan's pov)

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After Kim screaming in her sleep, she's been acting strange. And then, a close call. I was up by the flux cube, explaining to Sjin what it was and how it worked. "Duncan? Duncan?" Comes a soft yet creepy voice from on top of the flux cube it self. Me and Sjin look up. Kim is standing at the top. A purple glows surrounds both me and Sjin and we float up to the top. Sjin shrieks and squirms in proses. "Kim, what the hell are you doing?!?" I ask. She smiles as we land, hurting ourselves in proses.

"I'm only ten years old, Duncan. I don't know what's best." She says. An icy chill runs down my back. This is starting to freak me out. "No, Kim. Your a grown up! You know what's best!" I say, trying to keep fear out of my voice. "Wait" Sjin whispered. "Don't fall for it. It's charm speck! She trying to get her own way!" He whispers to me. "Look at that! Farmer boy has found out before the scientist. Strange, isn't it?" Kim says, still giving me the freaks. Don't fall for it, Duncan.

"Come, join me, Sjin. I'd like another flux buddy." Okay, now I don't know whose more frightened, me or Sjin. Another purple glow surrounds only Sjin this time. He gives a startled yelp as he floats upwards just a little, over the top of the open hole in the flux cube. "DUNCAN! HELP!" Shouts Sjin. "Save Sjin's life or yours, Duncan. It's up to you!" Says Kim softly...

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