Part one

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 There once was a girl named Violetta, and she was an orphan at the age of 15. She was now an orphan because all of the people of earth had started to disappear and after a month after she arrived everyone seemed to have vanished. It was 2030 now and there was no reason for disappearance because there was nothing wrong with the earth now, no global warming, no pollution or anything of the sort. The only problem to her was that, she was lonely. All that this girl knew is that someone gave her name, such as her parents; parents that gave her remarkable royal purple eyes and long, beautiful black shimmering hair that was as dark as the nightsky. Someone also gave her the gift of beauty of appearance and of personality along with special abilities, of which she couldn't share with others. They were the abilities to float and the ability to move things without moving touching them. She also had no memory of her past, she couldn't recall for the past almost eleven years.The only thing she had from her past was a ring with a silver band and a diamond which was given to her by a person who called himself the moon. She turned 15 right after everyone had disappeared. The most thing that she didn't know was that... she once born from a star, a beautiful star that was once in a beautiful galaxy.

This girl traveled the earth, she walked over oceans and flew above mountains. She traveled all over the continents from America to Asia. She was carefree and was content for now in her home which was in the Amazon rainforest in South America. She lived in a damp cave at which she learned how to survive off of the plants and fish that lived there. One day as she was traveling the girl spotted something running. It was wearing rich blue and brilliant red, which caught her attention and she chased after it. She chased in till nightfall, only after the creature found shelter in a cave and lit a fire. She flew down from the sky doing turns of joy as she flew down. She landed behind some palms that were near the cave. She waited till the fire dulled and she heard the sound of snores. She crept quietly into the cave and spotted the eye catching colors. She kneeled near the ground where the creature slept. She gently turned the being over to face her out of curiosity to what it was. It couldn't be an another-, she was caught in mid thought,It was a boy around her age. He had dark brown hair and was wearing a red sweatshirt with navy blue jeans.

She went to touch his face but, he moved a little. It was just a wiggle, she thought. She poked his face and the boy's eyes slowly crept open. She backed up hoping to not startle him and he sat up. He rubbed his eyes and turned towards her slowly while still in a hazy state. He started to rub the sleep from his eyes. He froze in mid yawn and his eyes got wide. He dropped his hand down from his eye. "You're REAL, um... this is crazy!" He gawked.

"It's just a little old stranger how could I be important?" She asked, her voice was like silk and she had a little giggle towards the end of the sentence. The corners of his mouth turned into a partial smile as he gasped. "You're so important! You're Violetta the Star girl!" She gave him a puzzled looked and he laughed. "You wouldn't understand yet but, if you come to the village then they can tell you about your story, your life!"

"You mean there's more!?"

"Yeah but, that if we can get back safely."

"But what if they hate me or reject me?!?" She sounded panicked.

"There's not going to be anyone who hates you. I just need you to promise that you will come back with me even if it means that we could die."

"I like the feel of thrill, I agree... um?"

"Ryan and so you agreed, that is a heavy promise to keep you sure?"

"Yes, Ryan Martinez. I promise with all my heart."

They started the cumbersome walk back to his home. She floated but, he really forced himself into working hard. So she forced herself to try to but, you get you get weak after floating for most of the years of your life. So he told her to start floating again so she wouldn't get hurt. They got back around that afternoon. He ran towards a small village, his mom came and squeezed him tight. "Where have you been, chico!" She kissed him all over his head and he pulled away in embarrassment.

"I found her, Star Girl."

"Who?!?" She screamed in joy and everyone looked towards us. Peoples mouths dropped open one by one. Everyone carefully started towards them, the slowly hoarded towards them and made a circle around Violetta and Ryan. They pushed his mother into the crowd. Everyone gawked and Ryan tried to protect Violetta from any of the people if they got desperate but, everyone was still. In till a little girl who looked three, ran out her mother ran after her but, stopped because she didn't want to come any closer. The little girl ran up and hugged Violetta's legs. "You're here! You're finally here, my Hero!" She cheered she let go. Violetta crouched down and hugged the little girl. She never had felt such a wonderful feeling in her life. Was this love? She squeezed her tightly and let go. She finally got a good look at her, she had red curly hair and semi-dark blue eyes. The girl ran back into the crowd and she could hear her mother scold her lightly. Ryan's mother pushed herself into the front of the crowd and yelled, "Welcome our new friend, Star Girl!" She cheered. After she said it everyone cheered and came to hug her. Violetta felt overjoyed to be welcomed in. She was bubbly and everyone enjoyed her company. The little girls braided her hair and gave her a flower crown as a gift to welcome her. The boys gawked at her beauty and Ryan had to give a few a smack as they passed through the town to greet everyone.

They had buildings that were hispanic theme architecture. There based were mostly the same culture too. By the time she met everyone she had to go to rest. She was very tired and wanted nothing more than that. She was ushered to a house that was built for a goddess. And in their eyes she was. Ryan brought her there and some township girls came and brought her clothes. She changed into them. She was given a beautiful purple nightgown. It had lace at the collar and she was given soft moccasins that were brown with silver shimmering thread for decoration. She slipped them off and climbed into a huge bed that looked to be for a princess. She laid there thought about the day. She couldn't pass out. She felt a horrible feeling in her stomach. It was fear. The shadows taunted her with images and scary noises. She went to get up and get a drink. But was abruptly stopped by the feeling of fur. She screamed and started to cry. Ryan ran in suddenly. He light a candle and walked over. He felt something under his feet and pick it up. It was a bunny that was back. It had floppy ears and short smooth fur. "Sorry, bunnies are sacred here. They're everywhere. Here." He started to hand it towards her but, she backed away a little on the bed. He came closer and sat her on the bed and sat behind it on the bed. "She won't hurt you. She's the sweetest out of them all. That's why we call her Sweetie." She cautiously crept towards it and she started reach her hand out. She breathed in then out and gently and slowly put her hand on the bunny. She didn't move at all. Violetta started petting her and she hummed. "Is that normal?"

"Yeah, she's happy. I think she likes you." She began to pet her again and then Ryan blew the candle out. "I'm gonna go, you need to sleep." He started to get up but, she grabbed his arm. "There is plenty of room please, STAY HERE?!?" She asked desperately. She had heavy breathing and was slightly shaking from the fear of being alone again. He was afraid if he did the rumors that might start about her and the trouble people might to start to put her in. He slowly turned back towards her to tell her, "That wouldn't be a good idea."

"Please... I don't want to be alone again!" He paused for a moment she could see his anxiety and the tiredness that reeked off him. He thought for a moment but, as soon as he looked clearly at her face again he couldn't resist to nod his head. Her face lit up and she smiled so brightly at him. He walked back to the bed and started to wrap himself up. He turned to face the wall opposite of her and laid there filled with anxiety.

She scooted over and gave him a hug. She hugged him because she knew he was feeling bad emotions. She held him for a minute or two then, she let go and turned around and onto her side. She began to cuddle up to the bunny. The room remained silent till she heard him whisper, "Thank you, Vio." She nodded her head and he could sense it. She was tired and felt safe with Ryan, along with the joyful company of her new friend Sweetie the bunny. She passed out and fell into a sweet dream of a land of multi-color. After he heard her wispy snores and happy mumbles, he fell asleep.

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