Bathrom twoo.

45 1 1

He look at ur boob and you slap him. Run away crying, he such a dirty boy. All he wants if your body not youv so you cry and run back home. Not care if teacher catch you. Your faster.

You put head in pillow and cry more, bc Jacob is a fuck boy not a boy. You get a text ,

Baby there was some thing on ur shirt. I don't want ur boob as much a ur lov

You think and think but forgive im. He's only fourteen, other girls boys cheat. But U text back

Oh yeah what was on myshirt?

A piece of paper.

You look and there it was, a stick note with words

Call me: 666-666-6666

You freak uot. It Jacob number. You or it in and call him,

U: Hey Jac, how r u?

Jacobb: Hey, ur really pretty, wana come onver my place later.

U: Aren't u in school?

Jac: I skip.

You hung up. He really skip for you, wow.

Maybe this time you will

Maybe this time you will finally


*+_ I'll save you _+* Jacob Sartorius XReader Where stories live. Discover now