Imagine with me. | Concert.

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"Will you give me your imagination for a minute? I'll help you shape it into something."

His hands were on your's and you closed your eyes, the sounds of the people around you the only thing you can focus on.

"Focus on me. My voice."

You did. His voice was an easy one to follow, so smooth, like a slide at a brand new playground. You were a kid, at the top of the slide, sitting down in anticipation as you were about to push off, trusting that you'll land on ground.

"Imagine the lights all around you, the huge stadium dazzling with them; their shimmer glowing up the butterflies in your stomach. You're about to dazzle just like those lights, waiting for the idols to walk out on stage, the whisper of the crowd around you filling your ears, along with the screams of impatient fans, their roars sticking out like a sore thumb."

You can imagine it all as he spoke it, a giddy feeling running up your body.

"Finally, after hours of waiting, and days of anticipation, the music starts with a hum and the lights go dark. The fans cheer their famous chant, you along with them, the bass of the music in your chest like going to any loud club, but this wasn't a club, it was more special than a club. This was a concert by your favorite band."

You sit there with excitement in your heart, imagining everything so clearly. You wish that it could happen.

"Their last song is up, and you finally made it to the front of the pit, pushing and shoving your way through. The idols seem to be smiling at you as you dance and sing along to their music. You feel free, without any anxiety, no worries, it's just you, them, and the music."

You can feel that feeling. No worries, no anxiety, just you, them, and the music.

Just you, them, and the music.

His voice continues, drawing slight circles in your hand. "Throughout their last song with you, they reach out from the stage, touching your hands if only for a moment. You feel like you've known them for a while, and that's how they treat you. They treat you not only as a fan, but a person. A friend."

The man's voice seemed to smile as he said those last few words, sending happiness all the way through you.

"There last song ended, the crowd cheering, the boys on stage giving their individual goodbyes. They waved as they leave off stage, your eyes blurring the image as they do. You can't believe you finally got to see them. Finally, after so many years. Tears streak down your cheeks. You truly feel alive."

At this, you feel wetness go down your cheeks, the man before you bringing a hand up to wipe the tears gently from your face.

"You are so glad you finally went to a BTS concert." His voice stops, and you finally look up at your bias, his face in a wide grin. You know he did this for you because you would never get to go to one.. only this very fan signing.

"Thank you."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2018 ⏰

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