Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

So here is the deal. I really want to write every detail I can but my mind moves faster than my fingers soooo this will be it two parts!!!!!! dedicated to Timberwolf44 Fan her! haha she is awsome!

Mercy POV

She had traded her farm boots for sleek black flats. I barely noticed it was Nikki! She was humming to herself as she waited for me to realize it was her. She had always had a great voice!

“NIKKI!” I screeched!

“Mercy! I thought it was you but in your last email you said that you dyed your hair brown!” I looked at her a realized how much I missed her from camp. Her crystalline blue eyes looked perfect against her straight brown hair that was slightly but perfectly curled at the end.

“Oh my god! I have missed you so much!” I was so excited, my day just became amazing. Nikki my friend from camp had just got so we could hang out before being roommates at the local university here in London. Suddenly Nikki looked down at her white IPhone with a green case on it and sighed loudly. “What’s wrong?” I ask.

“Can you get off work early?” she asked me quickly.

“Yeah sure.” I called over to Kelsey and told her that I was going home early because of a family issue. I mean I wasn’t lying; Nikki and I had been really close friends for a while and she was obviously upset about something.

As I started walking down the London streets with Nikki she suddenly said that she didn’t have a hotel room.

“Come stay with me it will be fun we can totally jam out to One Direction! Oh and I got something signed for you by them!” I gave her the slip of paper with Niall’s and the rest of the boy’s signatures on it. She slipped it after a fan girl moment in between her phone and its case so you could see the now green tinted writing.

“Thank you so much!” she yelled in my ear!

Three hours later.

Nikki’s Pov

There was so much noise around the motel that I was staying at with Mercy. She has been my best friend since camp, where we meet. She was on a riding trail when her horse went crazy and I had to help her if she did my dishes – and that my friends is how a real friendship is born.

We heard a ton of stomping overhead and decided that we would just blast Mercy’s One Direction and Cher Lloyd playlist till it stopped.

Louis Pov

We can’t leave this stupid hotel! We called management and they said that if we could make the fans go away then we could leave. Good luck with that! Some of these fans were hard core! I suddenly had a brilliant idea!

“Let’s go to the roof and play serades in front of the fans!” I yelled to the boys lounging around the room in various odd positions.

“We want them to go away, not encourage them to stay!” Said someone in the kitchen area of the room.    

“No Liam! They came for a show so let’s give them one, maybe they can’t afford tickets!” I screamed so loud Niall stopped eating his subways sandwich and Harry looked up from his phone.

Liam sighed then nodded his head and started to call management to tell them but I was already out the door with Zayn who looked ready for a laugh.

After playing Charades with the crowd we decided that we would just start posing for pictures in like really awkward ways. Liam started doing something with the crowd where he made them go as loud as they could then really quiet it was really funny to watch but Niall was just sitting looking sad. So I wandered over to him and asked him what was up?

What do you think is wrong with Niall? And what do you think of Nikki? Sorry about the fact its coming in two parts but its kinda like a cliff hanger yay! FAN AND COMMENT ON NIKKI"S Prohile @timberwoolf44

Stay will me it will get better sorry for the stupid chapter!

lov all my readers!

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