Black & Blue : XI

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"Cap'n!" Auk'a saluted, her voice bold and fierce as she entered my tent.

"Cha, progress, Cov'a.." I mumbled to myself, standing from my thrown. "Auk'tava meet your Queen, Vi'tolia kom Hom'an Volkanna."

She bowed politely before returning to her powerful stance, putting a smile on Auntie's face.

"Is this the girl?" She chirped with a wolfish grin. "The good one?"

"Yes, Auntie.." I rolled my eyes. "She lacks pure strength, our training ground here is not as demanding.. Her many other skills include a natural sense for her wolf and their combined abilities, crisp instict, loyalty, unmatched bravery. Her strength terribly outways her weakness. She also has a very strong, trustworthy heart that would make a honorable addition to our pack."

"Auk'tava Blaika kom Volkanna.. You are welcome to join us in our Valley and our palace." Auntie granted after your small speach.

"You are accepted in our hearts." I assured, placing a hand on her shoulder. "En welcome in our home, Coz'n. Your new home.. Wolf Rider."

A tear welled in her eye but she simply blinked it away, offering us once more her worthy salute.

"I will serve you always.." She swore. "I will fight for you and our royal family, en give my life to see our nation thrive. In the name of Honorable, our mighty Cap'n and our Priceta, in the name of Hom'an, until death."

"Oi.. Cha." I nodded at her nearly perfect display, waving a hand to dismiss her. "A'ut.. Tonk'ka, Auk'tava. To your duties."

"Cha.. Tok'kan, Cap'n." She nodded, all but skipping out of my tent to tend to the wolves.

"You are right of this one." Auntie sneered, her whimsical voice flowing through the tent as she returned to her dancing. "This girl is certainly wild."

"You won't turn her to the River Dancers, Auntie."

"She seams more than a soldier, Cov'ta. The dancers could enlighten her mind."

"The limitations of their minds are not known to us, Auntie." I insisted.

"That is what our way is, opening the mind! Your spirit! Auk'va has a strong spirit.." She pondered, reaching between the floor and the ceiling.

"Cap'n!" Ash'on announced abruptly enter my tent. "It's Heda! They are forcing a decicion-"

"No!" I jumped, running out of the tent calling for Lai'ka.

As she met with me, I leapt to my mount racing toward the prison gate where a small riot was formed.
My gaurds were pushing citizens back, creating a human wall blocking the entrance, dogs on the sidelines watching patiently.

"Circle!" I ordered, the few wolves joining their masters, posting themselves as sentries as Lai'ka jumped over their wall and let me off at the foot of the gate.

No one listened to your order of opening the gate, so you climbed the fence and ran toward Clarke's cell.
Unfamiliar gaurd's were handling her rather roughly, Leksa's people were known for it, but these were not hers, which meant they should not have been touching the girl.

I kicked one of the men holding her into the other and caught her as she tumbled out of their grasp.

"LISTEN!" I barked, pulling a hunting dager from my boot. "IF YOU WISH TO KEEP YOUR LIVES YOU WILL ANSWER TO ME! CHIT DON YU? Mmm? Chon sent yu kom ge disha gada? Nou Heda? Den chon!?"

"Nou Heda." He muttered, struggling in my grip. "Nou Heda. Beja, Prisa!"

"Leave this girl alone to keep your lives, Filth." I demanded, dropping them both to the ground begore checking on my friend.

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