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I watched Dakota as he slept in his room here at the pack's home. I had awoken a few hours ago and was still struggling to accept my changes, even if they were willing since my body felt so foreign now. My first time shifting was an excruciating experience and I wondered how Dakota managed any of it. I couldn't even imagine how high his pain tolerance is if his changes didn't affect him. I looked up when I heard a small whimper and took Dakota's hand in my own.

Dakota opened his eyes and looked up into mine, "L-Louis, w-what did you do?" Dakota asked as he examined my face.

"I asked the king to turn me, Dakota, I needed to understand your pain to help you, and yes I know what I've gotten myself into. The king thought you also needed a mate to help stabilize you so that's why I am here," I said as my thumb rubbed circles on the back of his hand.

Dakota sat up and looked down, "we aren't even a couple, we could never be because of One Direction," He said with a small whimper of sadness.

I shook my head, "fuck One Direction, Dakota. They don't need me to produce music, they can continue that on their own. I want to be by your side and make sure you're okay, we don't have to be in a relationship for me to stay by your side and care for you," I replied softly as he looked at me.

"Eventually my wolf will want to mate, I don't want to mate with someone who isn't my lover, and eventually your wolf will feel the same once you've developed that bond," Dakota said.

I had completely forgotten that werewolves require mating or they will never feel complete. I would have to let Dakota mark me and have sex with me if I wanted to keep him happy, was I ready for that? Was I ready to be bound to him forever even if my destined mate was found? I know I could reject my mate, but that'll destroy whoever it is and I didn't know if I could deal with the guilt. I looked towards Dakota, whose hair hid his face, as I pondered my options. Dakota needed me. I knew this to be certain but how do I go about helping him that doesn't sacrifice someone else?

I got up from my seat and moved to sit down next to Dakota on the bed, he looked over at me as if surprised by my actions, "I can't say for certain what will happen in the future, but I know that you need someone right now and I want to be the person at your side. You've been through enough trauma and should we be mated to other people, well, we will cross that bridge when the time comes. Right now we need to live in the present. The king has given me permission to bring you home, but you have to promise me you'll try to control yourself around the others. I'm not asking for you to forgive them because I know you won't, and neither will I, but we can't have you losing control and hurting people," I said to him as he gripped my hand.

Dakota seemed like he was considering my words as his grip loosened, "I will go back and live with you. I can't run from this forever as much as I may want to so I will face this now," He said as he sighed.

I stood up off of the bed and helped him stand. He leaned against me as I took him out to the throne room and bowed to the king to signal our departure.

"Remember our deal Louis," Artero, the werewolf king, said in a deep voice.

"I will and I will honor it until my end," I replied truthfully.

He dismissed us as I took Dakota out to where my car was located. The demon that had taken Dakota before handed me a backpack after I helped Dakota into the car. I gave a quick bow before getting into the car and pulling out.

When we arrived at the One Direction mansion I took a deep breath. I took the backpack from Dakota and looked inside to find a set of contact lenses that matched my previous eye color as well as a memory serum with a note attached. I took out the note and opened it up.

Louis, don't inform any of the other boys about your change. I want you to be my ears on the inside and find out what exactly what the others around them know if they find out about you put a small bit of this serum in their food and they'll forget the entire day. Use this wisely, it isn't easy to come by. -Artero

Dakota looked over at me, "what does it say?" Dakota asked.

"He doesn't want them to know I've become a werewolf, he wants me to be his ears and discover how much the people we come in contact with know. This memory serum is for if they happen to find out and I assume the contacts are to hide my werewolf eyes," I replied as I took out the contacts. 

I carefully placed both contacts in before getting out of the car with Dakota. He came to my side as I took him inside the house immediately earning surprised glances from the others.

"The werewolf king allowed me to bring him home, but only if I can help keep him in check," I said calmly.

Harry got up from the couch and came over to us slowly. I stepped in front of Dakota to make sure he didn't snap as Harry took his hand, "I'm so sorry little brother, I deserve every ounce of punishment that you've given me, but please know that I do love with all my heart. You're my brother until the end Dakota regardless what you do to me," Harry said as he looked at Dakota.

"I want to forgive you, all of you, but I can't. You all said hurtful things that night and only Louis remembered I even existed. My physical scars may be gone but the mental and emotional scars will always remain," Dakota said sadly as he pulled his hand away from Harry. I took him to my room and sat on the bed with him. He leaned over on me and started sobbing into my chest. That was when I realized how broken Dakota truly was.

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