The Dinner Guest.

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Dear Diary

I have been trying to make friends with the neighbors, however whenever I try and talk to them they ignore me, quickly run past me as if they are trying to hide away from me. I have dropped off cookies, had my own open house, no one but a stray cat had entered my home, and I even offered to be a car pool for anyone in the area to the nearest town. I now understand why everyone told me this was not a family friendly area. However this is only a starter home, I will be leaving as soon as I can. I just hope that my stay here will become easier.


As Anika walked around her home cleaning and trying to ignore the feeling of hurt that followed her around she heard a knock on the door, a wide smile spread across her face as she raced down the stairs hoping to see whoever knocked. As she opened the door she saw a letter on the ground. It was sealed in wax, a bat as the symbol. Her confusion stayed for only a few moments, she smiled and opened the letter quickly.

"Dear Mrs. Winter, you have been invited to our dinner party, we wish to see you there, best dressed. House at the end of the street, three knocks then enter, tongiht"

She giggled and quickly dressed, she wore a fancy black dress with velvet embroidery and lace along the back. She quickly pulled up her blonde hair into a braid and put on her heals. She waited till the stars twinkled in the sky. She put on a small jacket and walked down to the house at the end of the street. She knocked three times, no one came to the door and then she entered the house.

As she entered she was hit with a sweet smell, one of berries. She looked around in amazement, her jade green eyes could not focus on one thing, the architecture, dark colors, and overall gothic look was beautiful. She slowly began to make her way to the room she suspected was filled with her neighbors.She heard their chatter.

She entered the room and felt all eyes turn to her. Her smile fell feeling fear, the look on all their faces were of lust and hunger. She turned to run when one man was next to her quickly. His pale skin and blood red lips were strangely inhuman. She felt his grip tighten around her. "You really think we wanted to be friends?" He asked as he licked his lips, she saw the faint image of fangs. Her eyes grew wide. "Come on my wonderful guests, her blood is hard to find in the human world, a delicacy she is. Come and take a bite."

She was tied to the table, struggling. "The more you struggled the tastier the blood is." Whispered one as he sunk his fangs in.

The last thing she remember was pain.

Dinner Guest: Challenge EntryWhere stories live. Discover now